Unit 61: Motion: taking steps Flashcards
She had twisted her ankle and was limping.
(n), (v)
walk slowly or with difficulty because one leg is injured, uneven
limp (adj)
His hand went limp and the knife clattered to the ground.
1) having no strength or energy
2) not stiff or strong
a very offensive way of describing a man who is thought to look or behave like a woman or is thought to be gay
move by jumping on one foot
repeatedly switch from one television channel to another
staggered (adj)=amazed, staggering (adj)=astounding
walk with weak unsteady steps, as if you are about to fall
staggered (adj)=amazed, staggering (adj)=astounding
hit your foot against something while you are walking or running and almost fall
make a sudden, unsteady movement forward or to one side
= stroll
walk at a slow relaxed speed
walk proudly with your head up and chest out to show that you think you are important
strut your stuff
strutting your stuff to the latest chart hits
proudly show your ability, especially at dancing or performing
1) People were trampled underfoot in the rush for the exit.
2) She would not let him trample over/on her any longer.
1) step heavily on somebody/something so that you damage or harm them/it with your feet
2) ignore somebody’s feelings or rights and treat them as if they are not important
hop off
quickly get off
take sth in your stride
take sth calmly
(v): to go, or to make something go, somewhere slowly or gradually
a small amount or number of something, coming or going slowly + of sth
trickle down
Wealth is failing to trickle down through society.
trickle-down (n): the theory that if the richest people in society become richer, this will have a good effect on poorer people as well, for example by creating more jobs
(especially of money) to spread from rich to poor people through the economic system of a country
meander (v)
= wander
(n): Meander
walk slowly and change direction often, especially without a particular aim
meanderings (N)
1) a course that does not follow a straight line
2) walking or talking without any particular aim