Unit 31: Taking the root and reaping rewards Flashcards
go back to your roots
going back to the place where your family come from
put down roots
After travelling the world, she felt it was time to put down roots.
settle down and make your home in one place
take root
Fortunately, militarism failed to take root in Europe as a whole.
(of ideas) to be widely accepted
root and branch
The government set out to destroy the organization root and branch.
completely and in a way that affects every part of something
nip sth in the bud
stop something when it has just begun because you can see that problems will come from it
The budding young star is now hot property in Hollywood.
beginning to develop or become successful
branch out (into sth)
The company branched out into selling insurance.
start to do an activity that you have not done before, especially in your work or business
weed sb/sth out
Most applicants get weeded out before the interview stage.
remove or get rid of people or things from a group because they are not wanted or are less good than the rest
a substance that is used to destroy weeds
prune back
Staff numbers have been pruned back to 175.
to make something smaller by removing parts; to cut out parts of something
= cut/ limit
reap the rewards of sth
get the results from
reap what you sow
have to deal with the bad effects or results of something that you originally started
= unearth
dig up
Tabloid newspapers love to dig up scandal.
discover information about somebody/something
sprout up
appear quickly in large numbers
An idea for a novel began to germinate in her mind.
(n): germination
begin to develop
(adj): germicidal
a substance that destroys germ, bacteria;, etc.
green shoots
the green shoots of recovery
(used especially in newspapers) the first signs of an improvement in an economy that is performing badly:
He treated the club directors with withering contempt.
(of a look, remark, etc.) intended to make somebody feel silly or ashamed