unit 6 Flashcards
v. To accustom oneself to something is to get used to it. I find it difficult to accustom myself to new time zones when I travel around the world.
n. The alpha member of a group is the most dominant or has the highest rank. The largest lion was the alpha male of the pack.
v. To arouse means to awaken interest or attention in someone. The politician’s words were meant to arouse the protestors’ anger.
adj. If someone is articulate’ he or she has the ability to express ideas clearly and effectively. Alfred’s friends loved talking to him because he was so articulate and intelligent.
v. To buzz means to show excitement about something. Seoul buzzes from dawn till dusk.
v. To clash means to fight or argue over something. The sisters often clash over the right way to do things.
n. Classification means putting things into categories or groups that have things in common. According to scientific classification’ a duck-billed platypus is an egg-laying mammal.
v. To cling to something means to hold onto it tightly. A mother sloth will cling tightly to her baby in the treetops.
n. Compliance is the act of following a rule or doing what you are supposed to do. The bratty child never shows compliance with her mother’s rules.
v. To comprehend something means to understand it. The player could not comprehend why he lost the game.
v. To congregate means to gather in one place. Seeing a group of birds congregate in the sky is an awesome sight.
n. Custody is the right to take care of someone or something. The prisoners were put in the custody of the jailers.
v. To disperse means to scatter everywhere. I watched the people disperse in all directions to avoid the charging bull.
v. To embody means to symbolize or represent something. Mother Teresa was said to embody goodness and kindness.
adj. Empirical means involving scientific proof and evidence. Scientists must always find empirical evidence in their work.
n. Exclusion is the act of keeping someone out of a group. People gathered together to protest the exclusion of immigrants from our country.
v. To flock means to gather in one place. Groups of birds will flock to the river in the spring.
v. When animals graze’ they feed on plants. The sheep and goats like to graze on the grass outside the village.
adj. If someone is intelligent’ they are very smart. The intelligent student graduated from high school with the highest marks in his class.
n. A jungle is a type of forest in a warm’ rainy tropical area’ where trees and plants grow very close together. Many kinds of animals’ including birds’ reptiles’ and even elephants live in a jungle.