unit 21 Flashcards
n. A background is a person’s education’ family’ and experience. The new teacher had a background in science and math.
n. Bait is something used to trick a person or thing to do something. The best bait for catching fish is a big’ fat worm.
v. To chronicle an event means to record it. The daily newspaper chronicles local and world events.
n. Copper is a red-brown metal often used in electric wire and pipes. Ancient hunters melted copper to make knives and spears.
n. A disease is an illness that causes specific problems. He had a disease that caused him to lose his hearing.
n. Folklore is the collection of beliefs and stories of a culture. India’s folklore has stories about great warriors written in long poems.
v. To infect someone means to give them an illness. The common cold infects hundreds of millions of people each year.
v. To itch means to have an unpleasant feeling that you want to scratch. The rough fabric in his shirt made his neck itch.
n. Literature is books’ plays’ and poetry. Early American literature covers the poetry and stories from 1500 to 1800.
n. A millennium is 1000 years. Stonehenge is believed to have been built about five millennia ago.
n. A myth is a traditional story that explains a culture’s history and beliefs. In Greece’ there was a myth about a woman who had snakes for hair.
v. To promote someone means to raise them to a higher position or rank. After two years at the company’ she was promoted to manager.
v. To relate to something means to have a connection with it. A company’s plan usually relates to how much profit it can make.
n. A religion is a belief in a god or gods. Their religion taught that people should forgive their enemies.
n. A sum is a specific amount of money. He calculated the numbers to see what the sum of his bills would be.
n. A teller is a person who works with a bank’s customers. The teller at the bank helped Kelly put money into a savings account.
adj. If someone is trustworthy’ they are honest and truthful. Mary is one of the most trustworthy people I’ve ever met.
v. To update something means to make it more modern. We need to update the programs on our computers.
n. A vein is a tube in the body that carries blood toward the heart. The blue veins in my hand are just under my skin.
n. Venom is a poisonous substance that comes from animals or plants. A snake’s venom can be used to cure the illnesses it creates.