unit 11 Flashcards
n. An alliance is a group of people who work together. The junior executives formed an alliance with each other.
n. Applause is the noise made when people clap their hands to show approval. At the end of his speech’ everyone burst into loud applause.
adj. If you are armed’ you are carrying a weapon. The robber was armed with a gun.
adj. If something is authoritative’ it uses the best information available. This book is an authoritative source on ancient Egypt’s Queen Nefertiti.
n. Bravery is brave behavior. The books commended the general’s bravery.
n. A ceremony is an event that happens on special occasions. Tom and Amy’s marriage ceremony is in June.
n. Culture is the music’ art’ and writings of a certain place or group of people. Ancient Mexican culture is renowned for its architecture.
n. A defense is something that is done to protect another thing. The air force works in defense of its country.
n. A detail is a small piece of information. Jane told Ben all the details of her trip to China.
adj. When a group of things is diverse’ it is made up of a wide variety of things. Big cities have diverse populations with people of different races and ages.
v. To enchant someone is to make them feel very interested or happy. The beautiful woman enchanted everybody in the room.
v. To equip someone is to give them the things needed to do something. Steve was equipped with the tools needed to do the job.
n. An exception is someone or something not conforming to a rule. Most students thought the test was hard’ but Tim was the exception.
n. A genre is a type of literature’ art’ or music characterized by its style. She is considered a master in the comedy genre.
n. An impact is the effect someone or something has. My grandmother had a great impact on my life.
v. To lure someone is to convince them to do something by using a trick. The store lures people in with big signs that say “Sale!”
n. An obstacle is an object or a problem that stops you from doing something. Climbing over the giant rock was the biggest obstacle for the hikers.
n. A shelter is a place to go that is safe from danger or bad weather. The frog took shelter from the storm in a nearby hold.
v. To supply something means to give people what they need or want. The water heater supplied the house with warm water.
adj. If people are vain’ they are only concerned with how they look. Rebecca is so vain that she looks at herself in every mirror.