unit 19 Flashcards
adj. Afflicted means to suffer physically or mentally. He was afflicted by pain in his right arm.
n. An aisle is a space between two things that people use to walk. They were told to clear the aisle because the plane was about to land.
n. The atmosphere is the air around the Earth where weather conditions form. Scientists worry that harmful substances are hurting the atmosphere.
n. An author is a person who wrote a certain piece of writing. The author was hard at work on his next novel.
n. A breakdown is a failure to work correctly. Her car had a breakdown’ and she wasn’t sure how to fix it.
n. Cargo is the items carried by a ship or an airplane. The cargo of the ship got wet when it started raining.
n. A chapter is a part of a book that usually has a number or a title. The first chapter of a book usually introduces the main character of a story.
v. To connect two things means to join them together. I connected the mouse to my laptop computer.
n. Etc. is short for “etcetera.” It is used to refer to other unspecified objects. She was going to bring treats to the party: cookies’ muffins’ cake’ etc.
v. To flip means to press a switch quickly to turn it on or off. To turn on the lights’ just flip this switch.
adj. If you are idle’ you are not doing anything. She read a book to keep from being idle.
v. To notify someone of something is to tell them about it. The teacher notified us about a change to our assignment.
n. Peas are a vegetable that is small’ round’ and green. His favorite food was peas.
n. A raisin is a dried grape. Raisins are one of my favorite snacks.
v. To retain something is to keep it. Even by the afternoon’ the day had retained the morning’s freshness.
v. To state something means to say it in a definite way. The president stated his opinion about the world’s health concerns.
n. A tray is a flat plate used to hold food. The waiter brought our food on a tray.
adj. If something is unfortunate’ it is bad or unlucky. It was unfortunate that Dave’s team lost’ but he still had fun.
adj. When something is vivid’ it is bright and colorful. The figures in the painting were vivid.
v. To vomit means to have food come up from one’s stomach. It is common for women to vomit when they are pregnant.