unit 23 Flashcards
adj. If something is accurate’ it is completely correct. The story in the newspaper wasn’t very accurate.
v. To analyze something is to study it. The scientist will analyze the blood sample.
n. An asteroid is a giant rock from outer space. In 1908’ a giant asteroid hit Siberia.
n. A controversy is a dispute about something that affects many people. There has been a lot of controversy over the judge’s decision.
v. To evolve is to change over time. Many people think that humans evolved from animals.
n. A factor is something that has an effect on the way another thing happens. Smoking is the main factor that causes lung cancer.
adj. If something is genetic’ it is related to the genes in one’s body. The color of one’s eyes is genetic.
n. A genome is the collection of all the genes in a living thing. Understanding the human genome may help cure many diseases.
adj. To be identical is to be the same as someone or something else. James and John are identical twins.
n. An intellectual is a very smart person. We’ve always considered my Uncle Max to be the intellectual of the family.
n. A majority of something is more than half of the people or things in that group. A majority of the people voted for Tom Smith in the election.
n. A mammal is an animal that usually has hair and is not born from an egg. Even though they live in water’ whales are actually mammals.
v. To multiply is to increase in number. In the past year’ the number of people at work has multiplied by ten percent.
n. Offspring are the children of a person or the babies of an animal. The dog’s offspring had the same color of fur as she did.
n. A pesticide is a substance used to kill insects. The farmer sprayed his crops with a pesticide to keep bugs away.
v. To regulate something is to control how it happens. The bank regulates how much money people can borrow.
v. To reinforce something is to make it stronger. Peter reinforced his opinion with information from a book.
adj. If someone or something is stricken by a disease or problem’ they are badly affected by it. The pilot landed the stricken airplane with difficulty.
adj. If something is vast’ it is very large. The wealthy man bought a vast amount of land in the countryside.
n. A vegetarian is someone who does not eat any meat products. I became a vegetarian because I don’t like the taste of meat.