unit 15 Flashcards
conj. You use although to say that one thing is contrasted by another. Although she was late’ her friends gave her a warm welcome.
v. To apply something means to put it on. She always applies makeup to her face before going outside.
v. To await something means to wait for it. The players awaited the referee’s decision.
adj. When something is beloved’ it is very special and you like it very much. The boy took a nap next to his beloved cat.
n. A climate is the usual weather in a place. The climate in the desert is very hot.
v. When you complain’ you say that you are unhappy about something. The workers complained that they were being treated unfairly.
v. To confuse someone means to make them feel like they are unsure. The sign confused the traveler because it pointed in two directions.
adj. When something is due’ it is expected to happen or be done at that time. The papers were due on the 19th.
v. To establish something means to create it. He wanted to establish a club for people to help the Earth.
n. A furnace is a place where heat is made. Mr. Jones came to fix the furnace.
n. A leash is a rope or chain that is used to lead an animal. Dogs must wear a leash to keep them from running away.
v. To mature means to grow up to become an adult. When they matured’ they became as tall as their parents.
v. To measure something means to find out the quality’ value’ or effect of it. The scientists carefully measured the amount of chemicals in the tubes.
n. The midst of something is the middle of it. She was in the midst of cleaning when the telephone rang.
n. Misery is extreme suffering. There was a lot of misery after Sam lost his dog.
adj. Powerless means without power or authority. I fear my father is powerless now.
adj. When something happened prior to something else’ it happened earlier. Ron had to wait since he arrived prior to the scheduled meeting time.
n. Research is close and careful study to discover new things. Scientists did a lot of research on the subject of blood type.
n. A spaceship is a craft designed for spaceflight. Many people want to travel into space by spaceship.
n. A variety of something is a group of many different kinds of it. There are a variety of flowers at the shop.