unit 26 Flashcards
adv. If someone acts accordingly’ they act in a way that is suitable. He feels like he did a good job and his boss should pay him accordingly.
n. An anchor is a heavy object dropped from a boat to make it stay in one place. When the ship reached its destination’ the crew dropped the anchor.
v. When you cause something’ you make it happen. Tiredness caused the accident.
n. Context is the situations that form the background of an event. They studied the context of the battle before giving their presentation.
v. To designate someone or something means to give them a particular description. The famous lighthouse was designated a historical monument.
v. To distort something means to lie about it’ or pull or twist out of shape. The man’s lawyer distorted the facts so that he would be set free.
n. A dock is an enclosed area where ships go to be loaded’ unloaded’ and repaired. The huge ship pulled into the dock’ and the crew unloaded the cargo.
n. If you have a lot of energy’ you have plenty of strength and can do lots of things. If you lack energy’ try eating better food.
adj. If something is frequent’ then it happens or is done often. While Dad was sick’ the doctor made frequent visits to his house.
n. The gears are the part of a motor that controls the speed. My brother has a car with four gears.
adj. When something is genuine’ it is true or real. After the painting was determined to be genuine’ it sold for a million dollars.
n. Grease is an oily substance put on moving parts so they work smoothly’ or oil or fat in cooking. When I was done working on the car’ I had grease all over my hands.
n. Knowledge is what you know. He has trouble putting his knowledge into practice.
v. When you omit something’ you leave it out or do not do it. I omitted some important information: he is not coming.
v. To offset means to use one thing to cancel out the effect of another thing. Increased wages are offset by higher prices for goods.
v. To overlap something means to cover a piece of it. The gift on top overlaps the other gift on the bottom.
adj. When something is secondhand’ it has been owned by someone else. Her secondhand jeans were a bit faded in the front.
n. When you have skill at doing a job’ you are good at doing it. She worked with great skill and confidence.
n. A slot is a narrow opening in a machine or container. To operate the machine’ put your coins into the slot.
n. A tactic is a careful plan to achieve something. Sam thought of a good tactic to attract more business.