unit 5 vocab Flashcards
Bowman’s capsule
the portion of the nephron that receives the glomerular filtrate
the outer layer or portion of an organ
distal convoluted tubule
/ the portion of a renal tubule that empties into the collecting tubule
inflammation of the urinary bladder, usually caused by an infection
/ in kidney dialysis, a solution used to draw waste products and excess fluid from the body
glomerular filtrate
the acellular, low-protein ultrafiltrate of plasma that passes from the glomerular capillary to
the space of Bowman’s capsule and from which urine is formed
/ inflammation of the glomeruli
glomerulus (pl. glomeruli)
/ a small bundle of capillaries that is the filtering portion of the nephron
the organ in which urine is formed
loop of Henle
the U-shaped portion of a renal tubule between its proximal and distal portions
the inner or central portion of an organ
the structural and functional unit of the kidney composed of a glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, and its
associated renal tubule
general term for kidney disease
toxic or destructive to kidney cells
/ a membrane lining the abdominal cavity and containing a fluid that keeps abdominal organs from
adhering to the abdominal wall; parietal peritoneum
proximal convoluted tubule
the portion of a renal tubule that collects the filtrate from Bowman’s capsule
inflammation of the renal pelvis, usually caused by an infection
/ inflammation of the kidney and the renal pelvis, usually caused by an infection
renal hilus
the concavity in the kidney where nerves and vessels enter or exit
renal pelvis
the funnel-shaped expansion of the upper portion of the ureter that receives urine from the renal tubules
renal threshold
/ the blood concentration above which a substance not normally excreted by the kidneys
appears in urine
renal tubule
a small tube of the nephron that collects and concentrates urine
tubular necrosis
death of the tissue comprising the renal tubules
the tube carrying urine from the kidney to the urinary bladde
the canal through which urine is discharged from the urinary bladder
urinary bladder
an organ for the temporary storage of urine
urinary tract infection (UTI) /
an infection of the urinary tract, usually of the urethra
absence of urine production; failure of kidney function and suppression of urine production
clean-catch urine
a midstream urine sample collected after the urethral opening and surrounding tissues have
been cleansed