Unit 5 (perception) Flashcards
The process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory information, which enables us to recognize meaningful objects and events is known as ___________
We as humans can only pay attention to a few of the thousands of sensory stimulation going on every second, this fact is known as ______ ______ (**)
Selective Attention
The ability to concentrate on one voice in a sea of many vices that is known as the ________ _______ _______ (*)
Cocktail Party Effect
The Cocktail party effect is due to _______ _______ where you process one aspect of stimulus or problem at a time (*)
Sequential Processing
When you fail to see an object that is in your line of vision we call that ________ _______ (**)
Inattentional Blindness
When you fail to notice that something has changed we call that _______ ______ (**)
Change Blindness
_______ ______ specialize in how we can take many parts and organize them into a “whole” (*)
Gestalt Psychologists
The Gestalt Principal that explains that we organize things based off of what we are concentrating on and what is in the background (**)
The Gestalt Principle of organization that talks about how we group things based on how they are grouped together (***)
The Gestalt Principle of organization that talks about how we group things based on how similar things are (****)
The Gestalt Principle of organization that talks about how we take things that are almost finished and finish them using our mind (shapes) (****)
Our ______ ______ allows us to judge distances
Depth Perception
Psychological studies done with a ______ ______ (Gibson and Walker) help point to the fact that infants have depth perception as well
Visual Cliff
What does Binocular Cues of Depth Perception include (****)
Any form of Depth perception that involves 2 eyes
A Binocular Cue of Depth Perception that talks about how the retina sends the brain 2 different pictures, and our brain finds differences between the pictures and uses it to find depth
Retinal Disparity
A Binocular Cue of Depth Perception that talks about how as objects move close to our eyes, our eyes move in, and vise versa for something is going out. This sends info to our brain about how close the object is