Unit 5 EQ: Expanding Nation Flashcards
study study study
.Goal of Temperance Movement
campaign to stop alcohol
led by woman and business owners
0.Leader and goals of Reform for the Treatment of Mentally Ill-
Dorthea Dix- pleaded Massachusetts to improve car for mentally ill (they were jailed, beaten, and chained)
led to 32 new hospitals for this
wanted mentally ill from jails to hospitals
. How was the Nullification Crisis resolved?
AJ threats and Henry Clay compromise of lower tariffs
Explain the Doctrine of Nullification by answering the questions below:
Whose idea was it and what was his role in the US government at the time?
What did he write to present the idea?
What ideas did it promote?
John C. Calhoun (VP)
SC Exposition and Protest
States Rights + Doctorine of Nulification (states can nulify federal laws they see unconstitutional)
What was the goal of the Abolition Movement?
Sojourner Truth
Former slave
spoke about personal experiences
spoke for womens’ rights
changed name to “Sojourner Truth” to reflect lifes work “journey to speak the truth”
What was the goal of the Abolition Movement?
William Lloyd Garrison
newspaper called the Liberator (called for immediate ban of slavery)
. What did South Carolina do in response to the lowered tariff?
Passed Nullification Act (tariffs not counted in SC)
threatened to leave union
. What is Jacksonian Democracy?
period between 1820-1830s
expanding democracy/voting rights (common man given right to vote)
What was the goal of the Abolition Movement?
end slavery
What were Nativists
US born citizens who wanted to eliminate immigrants
How/why did Henry Thoreau practice civil disobiedience
was a transcendentalist
against slavery + Mexican War
refused to pay taxes, was jailed as a result
What action by President James K. Polk sparked the Mexican-American War?
He sent General Zachary Taylor and US troops into disputed territory (claimed by US and Mexico)
Mexican troops fired, killing 16 US troops
POTUS asked congress to declare war because “bloodshed upon US soil”
congress agreed
What was Jackson’s reaction to South Carolina actions
enraged (Signed Force bill which approved use of army)
- Why was John Quincy Adams an ineffective president?
Democrat controlled congress and didn’t vote for any his ideas
- What steps did Jackson take to destroy the 2nd Bank of the United States?
vetoed charter
declared it unconstitutional
removed US $ from bank + put it into state banks
What was Andrew Jackson’s response to this ruling? (Worchester v. Georgia)
Ignored ruling
“John Marshall made the decision… Now let him enforce it”
- What did the Cherokees do in an effort to maintain their nationhood status AND keep their tribal lands in Georgia?
-invited missionaries to set up schools
-developed government based on constitution
- created Cherokee symbols for writing (published English and Cherokee newspapers)
-owned farms/dressed like white settlers
What was the goal of the Abolition Movement?
Frederick Douglass
Former slave
effective Abolition speaker
published Autobiography describing slave life
anti slavery newspaper called North Star
told Lincoln to sign EP
Pull Factor
pulled Euros into US
.Explain the invention of interchangeable parts AND how this innovation changed manufacturing.
Eli Whitney- parts exactly alike
sped production and easy repairs
would lead to mass production and assembly line
economy drop a lot
Why was Jackson considered “the people’s president” and a hero to the “common man”? - include details about his background.
very poor (orphan at 14)
known for being tough -“Old Hickory”
really was a common man
They Admired him because he was a military hearo and became a wealthy plantation owner
Leader and goals of Education Reform
Horace Mann- led to 1st public school and a few universities for women and African Americans in the north
- Define spoils system
giving government jobs to political backers
What were President Jackson’s opinions about the 2nd Bank of the United States?
hated it
believed bank had too much power and favored the wealthy
What was the goal of the Abolition Movement?
Harriet Tubman
famous conductor
made 19 journeys
freed 300 slaves
Union spy During Civil War
- Describe the “Trail of Tears”
Cherokee 800-mile forced march by United States Military.
1/4 of 18,000 died in March (most deaths from Children or Elderly)
- What did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Worcester v. Georgia?
Cherokee nation was a separate community and the laws of GA didn’t apply (John Marshall agreed to NA suing)
To survive the brutal institution of slavery, enslaved people often relied on _______________ and _______________ to survive.
faith and family
36.Describe the Second Great Awakening and its effects:
religous devotion in US (christianity spread quickly across the U.S)
encouraged people to return to Christain beliefs and help others
this would led to reform movements
civil disobedience?
peacefully protesting
- What were the four major effects of the cotton gin on the US in the 1800s?
- encouraged westward expansion (long fibered easy to clean cotton)
- farmers grew more cotton (cotton=#1 crops/highly valuable)
- NA groups moved off south land (taken over for cotton plantations)
- More slavery (gin only cleaned cotton; labor still need to plant, grow, and harvest)
- What caused the financial Panic of 1837? _
State banks printed too much $, led to inflation
people took their paper money to banks in exchange for gold, banks went out of business
depression followed
26..Describe how the US obtained each territorial acquisition.
Texas Annexation 1845
was previously independent republic
- Why was Andrew Jackson so upset over the Election of 1824?
Jackson got more voteds, but House of Representatives chose JQA, who chose Henry Clay as seceratary of state
“corrupt bargain”
26..Describe how the US obtained each territorial acquisition.
Louisiana Purchase
France 1803
doubled size of US
. What was the Indian Removal Act?
allowed removal of NA living in East of Mississippi River to lands in West (supported Jackson0
26..Describe how the US obtained each territorial acquisition.
Original US
GB by Treaty of Paris 1783 following American Revolution
. Why did the American Party form and what other name was it known by?
Know Nothing Party
wanted to ban Catholics + foreign born from offic
Be able to identify the location of each acquisition on a map similar to the one on the back of this page.
What was the goal of the Abolition Movement?
After being Potus, was abolitionist in HR
worked to remove Gag Rule which forbad talks about slavery in House (knew Slavery couldn’t be abolished if not discussed)
- Describe Nat Turner’s rebellion and its effects in the South
Turner + 70 killed 55 white men, woman, and children
Turner and men were captured (Turner was hanged) White mobs killed more than 200 AA in revenge
effect- State legislatures passed harsh laws in South
26..Describe how the US obtained each territorial acquisition.
Oregon Territory
GB 1846
split at the 49th parallel (GB got land above, US below/this avoided war)
- Which president is credited with achieving Manifest Destiny?
James K Polk
- What happened to the “Era of Good Feelings” and the Democratic Republican Party as a result of the Election of 1824?
DR party splits
JQA supporters- national republicans
AJ- Democrats
Jackson began to campaign for next election and earned symbol for his new party by being stubborn-Donkey
- Identify the inventions below (include inventor) and describe their effect
steam locomotive
Peter Cooper- improved transportation by speeding travel and trade over land
Explain the economies of the North and South during this time, their opinions of the tariff AND why they had those opinions:
North- loved tariffs (they made imported goods expensive, which encouraged people to buy US products)
South- hated tariffs (traded most cotton for foreign goods/tariffs made them expensive)
- Identify the inventions below (include inventor) and describe their effect
mechanical reaper
Cyrus McCormik- cut ripe grain
made harvesting crops more efficient
46.Who were the major leaders of the Women’s Rights Movement in the mid-1800s AND their roles?
Lucercia Mott + Elizabeth Cady Staton - SF convention
Susan B. Anthony- helped build women’s rights movement into national organization and supported laws giving married women right to property and wages
Slavery was hard on family life for enslaved people, as it often _____________________ them and didn’t recognize ______________________
inflation def
increase in prices, decrease in value
44.What was the Underground Railroad?
series of South to North for slave escape.
Traveled at night + hid by day in stations
26..Describe how the US obtained each territorial acquisition.
Convention of 1818
49th parallel used to land disputed on US/Canadian border
Louisiana Purchase (France)
Push factor
pushed Europeans out of Europe
. Goals of Labor Reform Movement-
workers wanted less hours and higher wages (labor unions)
26..Describe how the US obtained each territorial acquisition.
Gasden Purchase
Mexico 1853
land for transcontinential railroad
26..Describe how the US obtained each territorial acquisition.
Mexican Cession
Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848
ended Mexican War
- Identify the inventions below (include inventor) and describe their effect
steel plow
John Deere- light weight plow that could be sharpened
made plowing and preparing soil easy
Characteristics of Hudson River School art:
painted landscapes (not portraits or religion)
What were Spirituals
were religious folk songs used by enslaved people for encouragement and they often contained codes about escape routes..
Describe the negatives (problems) of immigration in the mid-1800s.
-not enough housing
unhealthy living conditions
-disease spread
prejudice grew
26..Describe how the US obtained each territorial acquisition.
Florida Cession
Spain, 1819
Adam-Onis Treaty
.Goals of Prison Reform Movement
separate kids/adults
rehabilitation (education) programs
. When was the California Gold Rush and what effect did it have on the population of California?
California gold find (1849)
made Cali. a boomtown (statehood in 1850)
Chinese immigrants opened shops, restaurants, and laundries
Californios + NA pushed out of California
Treaty of Paris (US)
- Why did the state of Georgia want to remove the Cherokees immediately?
Gold discovered
31.Describe positives (immigrant contributions) and of immigration in the mid-1800s.
labor for factories + building of transcontinental railroad
brought traditions (Germans brought Christmas, Kindergarten, Gym, Hamburger)
- Why did the Whig Party form?
to oppose AJ
believed in weak POTUS and strong congress
- Identify the inventions below (include inventor) and describe their effect
Robert Fulton- could move against strong winds/currents
incredibly fast and improved water transportation (people + goods)
- Identify the inventions below (include inventor) and describe their effect
Samuel F.B. Morse- sent electrical messages/morsecode)
messages sent in seconds
45.What was the purpose of the Seneca Falls Convention?
womens rights (suffrage)
“all women and men are equal”