Unit 4 Test Flashcards
House of representatives role in the election of 1824
Quincy Adams was said to have a corrupt bargain with Henry Clay
Andrew Jackson’s election
Jackson one in 1828 but lost to Quincy Adams in 1824 because of the spoils system
Method of choosing president prior to Andrew Jackson
Caucus by powerful elite
Southern States’s opposition to high taxes
Tariff was really high so South was mad 😡
Jackson’s opinion on the second national bank
Lack of funding expansion
Unusual political and economic powerLack of congressional oversight
Location of Native Americans prior to manifest destiny
West of the Mississippi River
Agency that is handled federal Indian policy
Bureau of Indian affairs
US government attitudes towards Native Americans
They were not considered citizens but had to obey laws
Trail of tears
When the Cherokees were forced to March 800 miles from Georgia to the Indian territory
Who were the Cherokee Creek seminal in Miami Indians
They were all forced from their land into Indian territory.
Factory system
Factory is required workers with higher skill level from government
The financial resources needed to create and operate a business
Work n stuff
Things used to make other goods
Lowell mill
I textile mill
Cotton gin’s role in the expansion of slavery
More cotton was growling and needed to be put through the gym
Problems created by industrial revolution
Immigrants came and want to jobs but the nativists didn’t want them to get jobs and stuff and so it was a problem and stuff
Factors that encourage growth of industry
More productive society
Reasons for Irish immigration
Potato famine hunger hunger hungry hungry hippo’s
Democratic no nothing republican and with parties 🎉
They wer 🎉🎊🎂🍰🎁
Worchester versus Georgia
The courts said Cherokees were a community that Georgia had no say in disrupting
The solution to the Native American problem
We sent them into an Indian territory which was bad
Sale of ClockZ impact on industrial revolution
Idk dude
McCulloch vs. Maryland
Government felt it was necessary and proportion to make a bankkkkk
Nullification crisis
South declared tariffs were unconstitutional
Seneca Falls convention in 1848
Fought for women’s rights
Common school movement
Lol byeee
Characteristics of a supporters of state rights versus a permanent of state right
I’ll do that tomorrow
Panic of 1837
F The Panic of 1837 was a financial crisis in the United States that touched off a major recession that lasted until the mid-1840s. Profits, prices, and wages went down while unemployment went up.
Woman’s rights movement
Woman wanted to become independent from their husbands