Ancient Civilizations Flashcards
Having respect for your family and friends. Also, having morality.
How was central planning evident in Harappa and Mohenjo Daro?
There were gridded streets, towering fortresses in each city to defend, public wells, and indoor plumbing.
Caste system
A class system in ancient India that was designed to keep order and stability in a civilization.
Was the caste system unfair?
Yes because your family and their power determines where you are in the social class.
One of the religious beliefs that originated in India. It includes nonviolence, calmness, and happiness. You must follow the four noble truths and the eight fold path.
In the Hindu religion, it determines the form you will take in the next life.
Fast moving water that helped protect Egypt.
The most impressive achievement of the Qin dynasty was the building of this.
Great Wall of China
This river was also referred to as China’s Sorrow.
Huang He River
This process allowed for farming during dry seasons.
The belief system that stressed the importance of living in harmony with the Dao.
The belief in many gods.
The ideal type of land for a civilization.
Fertile land
This is what Early African groups formed. AKA clans.
This river is where early Indian civilizations formed.
Indus River Valley
These men and women performed most of the reading and writing.
He created one of the first written set of laws.
The name given to the ruler of Egypt.
This area was often attacked because of it’s lack of physical barriers.
The first Mesopotamian group to use metal working.
These rivers were found in Mesopotamia.
Tigris and Euphrates
This made it possible to decipher hieroglyphics.
Rosetta Stone
They were credited with the spreading of the Alphabet.
This is how ideas and beliefs spread from one place to another.
Cultural diffusion
This dynasty was credited for unifying China.
Qin dynasty
One of the religious beliefs that originated in India. It includes the Caste system, believing in gods, and believing in karma and reincarnation.