Unit 3 Test Flashcards
Group that desired the port of New Orleans
The US
Who did we purchase the Louisiana purchase from?
Reason for Lewis and Clark expedition
To explore the land we gained from the Louisiana purchase.
Find animals, plants, develop Allies with Native Americans,
Impact of canals on the United States
Allowed goods or people to move between towns, helped to open up the Midwest region the farming and settlement, new cities, trade increased
Louisiana purchase was purchased during which president
Current state acquired as part of Mexican cession
California,Nevada, Utah,Arizona, Colorado, part of Wyoming
Manifest destiny
The believe that we should expand westward towards the Pacific ocean because God wanted us to
Reason for growth of railroads
It was the fastest way to get from one place to another
Cause the Mexican American war
America didn’t want Texas as a slave state Manifest destiny Westward expansion Slavery Economic
Outcome of Mexican American war
The war was ended with the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
America gave Mexico money for land
Stephen Austin
Founder of Texas
And abandon mission near San Antonio that became an important battle sight Texas revolution
Sam Houston
Texas governor that helped win the battle of San jantico
Santa Anna
Mexican general and politician, he was president of Mexico and became a dictator. He fought in the Texas revolution and seized the Alamo but was defeated and captured by Sam Houston at San Jantico
Dangers of the Oregon Trail
Disease, injuries, getting run over by a carriage, hunger
Advantages of road transportationOver the use of steamboats
Helps economy, should people pass Westword can increase population, increased.
Result of population increased to the California gold rush
More gold attracted people to California because they wanted more money people became richer
Result of transportation revolution
Economy thrived, people more and more begin to move westward, the nation was more efficient
Why did Americans travel to Oregon?
Cheap land, good farmland
Significance of telegraph
Make communication faster than ever, opened up many more jobs, Convince people to move west word
Advantages of purchasing the Louisiana territory
The US doubled in size, helped with manifest destiny, more people could come to the US
Native American guy who assisted the corpse of discovery
Process of protecting an invention
Use of textile mills
Americans used machinery to turn fiber to yarn
Negative consequence of railroad
NA’s lost land
Buffalo were killed