unit 4 sac 1 Flashcards
what is activity analysis
it is the recording and analysis of movement and skill data from a game, sport or activity
what is the purpose of activity analysis
should be the first step of all training programs. They increase the specificity of a training program and help make it fit for purpose. Determines the fitness components, energy systems, and muscle groups used in the sport.
digital recording advantage
- data can be manipulated and transmitted easily
-data can be archived and easily access and saved data replayed at any time
digital recording disadvantages
-can be expensive
-technical expertise is often needed to operate the equipment
two fitness components
aerobic power and muscular power
aerobic power
def-the maximum rate of energy production for the aerobic energy system
- the bodies ability of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory systems to supply oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles and remove waste products
factors affecting aerobic power
muscle fibre type
-slow twitch fibres work aerobically, therefore the greater number of slow twitch fibres greater ability to work aerobically
sex- males generally have higher aerobic power due to greater size of lungs and increased haemoglobin
aerobic power with basketball-evidence
during my basketball game the aerobic energy system is of high importance as the work to rest ratio is 1:2. Because i am working more than resting this doesn’t give my anaerobic systems time to replenish so they aren’t used very much, demonstrating that aerobic power is a vital component for the game of basketball
benefit of aerobic power
if you have high aerobic power you will be better able to produce atp under aerobic condition and work at a higher intensity for a longer period
Fitness test for aerobic power 1
20 meter shuttle run test
20 meter shuttle run test
- test increase work rate every minute by decreasing the time between beeps compelling participants to keep up with speed and intensity
aerobic power test yo yo intermitten test
measure tape
cd player
measure out a 20 meter course
step 1 of yo yo test
At the time of the first signal, the participants run forward to the turning line.
step 2 of yo yo test
At the sound of the second signal, participants arrive and turn at the turning line and then run back to the start line arriving on the next beep.
step 3 of yo yo test
When the start marker is passed, the participants continue forward at a reduced pace (jogging) toward the 5-metre mark, where they then turn around the cone and return to the start line.
step 4 of yo yo test
At this point, the participants stop and wait for the next signal to sound. It is important that the participants are stationary on the start line before the commencement of each sprint.
step 5 of yo yo test
participants should continue running until they can not keep up with the audio of the test
step 6 f yo yo test
The end of the test is indicated by the inability of a participant to maintain the required pace for two trials. The first time the start line is not reached, a warning is given; the second time the participant must withdraw.
last step of yo yo test
When the participant withdraws, the last level and the number of 2 × 20-metre intervals performed at this level are recorded on the appropriate recording sheet.
muscular power
def- the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to exert a maximum amount of force in the shortest period of time. Power=force x velocity
-at high speeds power can decrease due to there not being enough time to develop maximal force
-combination of strength and speed
-power activities are high intensity and short in duration
-the energy for muscular contractions is derived from the ATP-PC system
-the power the muscle can generate will depend on the force generated and the velocity at which the muscle lengthens.
factors affecting muscular power
length of muscle fibre- if the muscle is slightly stretched it is in the best position to create its maximum force
speed of muscle contraction- more slowly a muscle contracts, the more force it can create
fitness testing for muscular power 1
seated basketball throw
seated basketball throw
-basketball and tape measure
-performer sits with their back against a wall, facing in the direction of the intended throw. Their back must remain in contact with the wall
-the basketball is thrown as far as possible with a chest pass
-the distance is measured from the wall to where the basketball lands
muscular power body parts
upper body muscles
- 5 passes uses upper body muscles and demonstrates the need for muscle to contract forcefully in a short period of time
jumper shots 6 also upper body
yo yo test physiological, psychological and sociocultural
physiological- ensure the test mimics the skills required for basketball (current health and fitness levels)
- the yo yo test mimics the sprint efforts in the game
purpose of fitness testing
to identify baseline or benchmark
identify strengths and weaknesses
sociocultural yo yo test
this test is socioculturally appropriate as it is inexpensive test so participants do not have to worry about their socioeconomic status and it is also very accessible
psychological purpose of yo yo test
when completing the test, the motivation levels of the participants will increase because their are other people involved and also push people to push to their highest level
physiological seated basketball throw
this is appropriate because it targets the same muscles the athlete would use when passing the basketball
pyschological seated basketball throw
this is appropiate because the player could have intrinsic feedback due to there being a measuring tape to record the distance therefore increasing motivation
sociocultural seated basketball throw
appropriate because its inexpensive and requires little equipment and is accesible to any people with socioeconomic status (field test)
all athletes must wear the same uniform and footwear
and all athletes must complete in the same conditions and same time and day