Unit 4 Outcome 2 - Chapter 10 Flashcards
Global health
The health of populations in a worldwide context that goes beyond the perspectives and concerns of individual countries. Global health is about an international collaborative approach to achieving equity in Healy for all people worldwide.
Human development (broken down)
- develop their full potential
- lead productive, creative lives
- expanding people’s choices
- enhancing capabilities
- having access to knowledge, health and a decent standard of living
- participating in the life of the community
- participating in decisions effecting their lives
What are the interrelationships between health and HD?
To achieve human development, it is important for individuals to experience good health in each of the 3 dimensions (P.M.S). Therefore they are interconnected. Good health leads to many factors of HD such as living a long and healthy life, develop to full potential, therefore contributes to children gaining an education and employment when ch leads to a better standard of living.
What are the interrelationships between health and sustainability?
To achieve sustainability people need to have good health, and good health is equally important to ensure sustainability. Therefore they are interrelated.
Eg. When people are healthy there is a greater capacity for them to attend school, find secure employment and earn an income (economic sustainability)
Eg. Good health is also a foundation for social sustainability. It enables children to attend school and adults secure employment, which helps families access basic human rights such as food, clothing and shelter.
What are the interrelationships between human development and sustainability?
With human development comes increased knowledge and education. It is through education that individuals develop the knowledge and skills required to promote all three types of sustainability.
Sustainable human development
Refers to current and future generation me achieving their full potential and leading healthy, creative and productive lives in accordance with their needs and interests.
Sustainable human development relates to the interrelation between human development, sustainability and health.
Describe and give an example of emergency/humanitarian aid.
Rapid assistance given to people or countries in immediate distress to relieve suffering during and after he man made emergencies such as wars, and natural disasters such as floods, tsunamis or earthquakes.
Describe and give an example of bilateral aid.
The provision of aid from the government of one country to the government of another country.
Describe and give an example of multilateral aid.
Aid provided through an international organisation, such as world bank, United Nations or world health organisation. Multilateral aid combines donations from a number of countries and then distributes them to recipients.
Describe and give an example of non government organisation aid.
NGOs take different approaches to aid, which include specific projects or programs, emergency aid, volunteering, educating and development. The aid provided by NGOs often focuses on communities.
Who is DFAT and what do they provide to a number of developing countries?
the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) provides a number of developing countries with Official Development Assistance (ODA).
Who does Australia provide funds to for multilateral aid?
International organisations such as the United Nations.
Which of our neighbouring countries does Australia mostly work with to provide bilateral aid?
75 countries, including our nearest neighbours: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and the nations of the South Pacific region.
What are the 6 priority areas of Australia’s aid initiatives?
- agriculture, fisheries and water
- education and health
- gender equality and empowering women and girls
- effective governance: policies, institutions and functioning economics.
- building resilience: humanitarian assistance, disaster risk reduction and social protection
- infrastructure, trade facilitation and international competitiveness
What is the UN?
The United Nations is an international organisation whose purpose is to ‘bring all nations of the world together to work for peace and development, based on the principles of justice, human dignity and the wellbeing of all people’
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Name 4 organisations or agencies that work with the UN…
- World Health Organisation (WHO)
- United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
- World Bank
- World Food Programme
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Name the 4 areas of focus for the UN…
- Promoting world peace and security
- Providing humanitarian assistance
- Promoting social and economic development
- Promoting human rights
What are human rights?
Human rights relate to the conditions and entitlements that every human is entitled to regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, country of origin, religion or any other characteristic
What is the UNDP and what do they provide?
United Nations Development Programme
- works to promote the achievement of the sustainability goals and to promote economic and social development, including human rights and education
Who are UNICEF and what do they do for the worlds children?
United Nations Children’s Fund
- aims to uphold the rights of children worldwide by working to promote education, prevent HIV among children, eliminate child labour and child abuse, and provide immunisation.
What is WFP?
World Food Programme
- works to eliminate world hunger by providing emergency food aid and by promoting sustainable food security in developing countries.
What is the aim of the WHO?
The WHO works to provide leadership in engaging and supporting countries to respond to a range of global health issues and improve the health of their citizens.
What are the priorities of the WHO?
- universal health coverage
- the international health regulation
- increasing access to medical products
- social, economic and environmental determinants
- non communicable diseases
- health related millennium
How does emergency aid impact on global health?
Emergency aid helps improve global health by providing those suffering from immediate distress with life saving supplies that were lost such as food supplies, medical teams and equipment, transport, communication resources and law and order personnel. This help those suffering by helping them survive and therefore improving global health.
How might bilateral aid impact on global health?
Bilateral aid allows the governments of two countries to work together and meet the needs of people. Bilateral aid can help improve global health as it allows wealthier, more advanced countries to help those in need by helping them with small things such as community based programs, to large regional development schemes.
How might multilateral aid contribute to global health improvements?
Multilateral aid contributes to the achievement of global health as it tends to be used to address health issues that impact at a global level through organisations such as WHO
How do NGOs contribute to global health and SHD?
NGOs often work in collaboration with government and local aid agencies in recipient countries and work to improve the conditions that underpin human development and directly enhance human abilities. In this way NGOs contribute to achieving global health and SHD.
Where does Australia provide aid?
To developing countries
Examples of how the UN promote world peace and security
- issuing a ceasefire that can help prevent ongoing conflict. Member states are expected to abide by recommendations such as these.
- send military observers or a peacekeeping force to help reduce tensions, separate opposing forces and establish a calm, peaceful environment.
Examples of how the UN promotes human rights.
- when human right have been abused, the human rights council can make recommendations to member states to take action in an attempt to improve conditions for the individuals concerned.
If girls are educated, how does this improve HD and global health?
When girls are educated, they are able to make choices that improve their health and that of their families. This contributes to a reduction in poverty, diseases such as communicable diseases are reduced, hunger is reduced and global health outcomes are improved.
This will also improve HD as it will enable girls to develop to their full potential and have access to knowledge which will help them expand choices and enhance capabilities.
How would everyone having a right to food and housing improve HD and global health?
Having a right to food and housing can improve HD by giving people access to adequate living conditions which would improve health and having access to food will reduce the number of people suffering from malnutrition, therefore improving health on a global scale…
How does the UN provide humanitarian assistance?
In emergencies such as natural disasters or conflict, a range or organisations operating under the UN step up to provide necessary aid such as food and water, shelter, medical attention and support to the affected people. This increases people’s chance of survival in the short term.
Name tow ways the UN promotes social and economic development.
How does this improve SHD?
Providing technical assistance
What are the elements of sustainable programs?
What are the dimensions of sustainability?
Describe the WHO priority area ‘universal health coverage’
Universal health coverage combines access to the service needed to achieve good health with financial protection to prevent I’ll health leading to poverty
Describe the WHO priority area ‘increasing access to medical products’
Equity in public health depends on access to essential, high quality and affordable medical technologies, improving access to medical products is central to the achievement of universal health coverage