Outcome 2 - Part 2 Nutrition & the NHPAs Flashcards
The process in which bones are hardened by laying down the minerals calcium and phosphorus.
What is a nutrient?
A substance that is used by living things to build tissue or provide energy in order to assist in growth or to keep the organism alive.
Carbohydrates - function, food source
Carbohydrates provide fuel for energy and is the body’s preferred source for good health. They are found in wholegrain breads, cereals, ect.
Fibre - function, food source
Fibres essential role in good health is to stimulate the digestive system to remove waste predicts from the bowel. Fibre is found in bran flake cereal, whole meal bread, raspberries, apples, baked beans, etc
Protein - function, food source
Proteins are the building blocks of the body. Needed for the growth, maintenance and repair of body cells, and provide fuel for energy.
Protein is found in meat, eggs, fish, milk, etc.
Monounsaturated fats - function, food source
Monounsaturated is best type of fat. They help to lower the bad cholesterol in the body (LDLs). Fount in olive oil, avocado
Polyunsaturated fats - function, food source
Polyunsaturated fats are healthy and include omega 3 and 6, which help to reduce the risk of heart disease. Found in fish oil, safflower oil and most nuts.
Saturated fats - function, food source
Saturated fats are from animal sources. They increase LDL cholesterol production in the liver and also contains substantial amounts of LDL. Found in butter, fat in meat, fried takeaway.
Trans fats - function, food source
Trans fats raise blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of CVD. Found in highly processed foods such as bought pies, pastries, cakes, etc.
Calcium - function, food source
Calcium works as an ossifying (hardening) agent for hard tissue such as bones, teeth and cartilage. Found in milk, sardines, salmon.
Phosphorus - function, food source
Works with calcium to ossify bones and teeth
Sodium - function, food source
Sodium plays an important role in the regulation of body fluids including water and blood. Found in table salt, olives, fish, etc.
Vitamin d - function, food source
Required for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestine into the blood stream. Found in fish, tuna, mackerel. But its major source is sunlight.
What are 3 of the NHPAs
Cancer control
Mental health
What is a health promotion program for obesity?
The LiveLighter campaign
What are 3 of the NHPAs
Cancer control
Mental health
What is a health promotion program for obesity?
The LiveLighter campaign