Acronyms Flashcards
What is the acronym EATAM involved with?
VicHealths strategic priorities
What is the acronym AREAS involved with?
Areas of the social model of health
What is the acronym EMA involved with?
Strategies of Ottawa charter
What is the acronym DRBCS involved with?
Priorities of the Ottawa charter
What is the acronym SEECARS involved with?
The values that underpin the Australian health care system
What is the acronym A BIG EE involved with?
Australian governments aid priorities
What is the acronym New Zealand’s Good Quality Gas Cooks Decent Pizzas involved with?
The SDGs
What is the acronym for the social model of health?
A - addresses the broader determinants of health R - reduce social inequities E - empowers individuals and communities A - acts to enable access to healthcare S - involves interSectoral colaberation
What is the acronym for the strategies of the Ottawa charter?
E - enable
M - mediate
A - advocate
What is the acronym for the priority areas of the Ottawa charter?
D- develop personal skills R- reorient health services B- build a healthy public policy C- create supportive environments S- strengthen community action
What is the acronym for VicHealths mission?
P: promote fairness and opportunity for better health
R: recognise that the social and economic conditions for all people influence their health
I: in partnership with others promote good health
S: support initiatives that assist individuals, communities, workplaces and broader society to improve wellbeing
S: seek to prevent chronic conditions for all Victorians
What is the acronym for VicHealths strategic priorities?
E- promote healthy eating A- encourage regular physical activity T- prevent tobacco use A- prevent harm from alcohol M- improve mental wellbeing
What is the acronym for the values of the Australian healthcare system?
S- safe E- effective E- efficient C- continuous A- accessible R- responsive S- sustainable
What is the acronym for the SDGs?
N- no poverty Z- zero hunger G- good health and wellbeing Q- quality education G- gender equality C- clean water and sanitation D- decent work and economic growth P- peace, justice and strong institutions
What is the acronym for the Australian government aid priorities?
A- agriculture, fisheries and water B- building resilience I- G- gender equality and empowering women and girls E- education and health E- effective governance
What is the acronym for the WHO agenda?
U- advancing universal health coverage
M- increasing access to medical products
I- implementing the provision of the international health regulations
N- addressing the challenge of non communicable diseases
D- addressing the social, economic and environmental determinants
MDGs- health related MDGs
What is the acronym PRISS involved with?
VicHealths mission
What are the UN areas of action?
- world peace and security
- human rights
- humanitarian assistance
- social and economic development