Outcome 3 Part 1 - Health Care In Australia Flashcards
What is the social model of health?
A conceptual framework within which improvements in health and wellbeing are achieved by directing effort towards addressing the social, economic and environmental determinants of health. The model is based on the understanding that in order to achieve health gains, social, economic and environmental determinants must be addressed.
What is the biomedical model of health?
Focuses on the physical or biological aspects of disease and illness. It is a medical model of care practiced by doctors and health professionals and is associated with the diagnosis, cute and treatment of disease
Health promotion
The process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health
What are the three basic strategies for health promotion?
What are the Ottawa charters 5 action areas/elements of priority?
Develop personal skills Reorient health services Build healthy public policy Create supportive environments Strengthen community action
Bulk billing
When the doctor or specialist charges only the schedule fee. The payment is claimed directly from Medicare so there are no out-of-pocket expenses for the patient
Patient co-payment
The payment made by the consumer for health products or services in addition to the amount paid by the government.
Schedule fee
The amount that Medicare contributes towards certain consultations and treatments. The government decides what each item is worth and that’s what Medicare pays. Doctors and private hospitals may choose to charge more than the schedule fee.
The pharmaceutical benefits scheme (PBS)
The PBS was introduced to subsidise the cost of a wide range of prescription medications, providing Australians with medication at affordable prices.
Currently over 4000 brands of prescriptions are covered by the PBS.
What is private health insurance?
A type of insurance under which members may pay a premium (or fee) in return for payment towards health-related costs not covered by Medicare. It is an additional insurance purchased on top of Medicare.
What are the 3 private health insurance incentives?
- private health insurance rebate
- lifetime health cover
- Medicare levy surcharge
What is the private health insurance rebate?
Policy holders receive a 30% rebate (or refund) on their premiums for private health insurance.
What is lifetime health cover?
People who take up private health insurance after the age of 31 pay an extra 2% on their premiums for every year that they are over the age of 30. This continues until it reaches an extra 70%!
What is the Medicare levy surcharge?
People earning more than $90,000 a year ($180,000 for families) pay an extra tax as a medicare levy surcharge if they do not purchase price health insurance.
Advantages of private health insurance
- enables access to private health care
- choice of doctor in private or public hospital
- shorter waiting times for some medical procedures such as elective surgery
Disadvantages of private health insurance
- costly in terms of the premiums that have to be paid
- sometimes have a ‘gap’, which means the insurance doesn’t pay the whole fee and the individual must pay the difference
- qualifying periods apply for some conditions (eg, pregnancy)
What are the values of Australia’s health care system?
Discretionary foods
Foods and drinks that are not necessary to provide the nutrients the body needs it may add variety. However, many of these are high in saturated fats, sugars, salt and/or alcohol, and are therefore described as energy dense.
Mandatory fortification
The compulsory addition of specific nutrients to selected food items as directed by the federal government
Novel foods
Non-traditional foods that require assessment by the government in order to establish their safety before they are added to the food supply
What are the A.R.E.A.S of the social model of health??
Addresses all determinants of health Reduce social inequities Empower individuals and the community Accessibility of health care interSectional collaboration
What is the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion?
An approach to health development by the world health organisation that attempts to reduce inequalities in health.
It identifies three basic strategies for health promotion , which are enabling, mediating and advocating.
What are the 5 strategic priorities of vichealth???
Promote healthy eating Encourage regular physical activity Prevent tobacco use Prevent harm from alcohol Improve mental wellbeing
What is Vicahealths mission???
Promote good health in partnership with others
Recognise that the social and economic conditions for all people influence their health.
In partnership with others promote good health
Support initiatives that assist individuals, communities, workplaces and broader society to improve wellbeing
Seek to prevent chronic conditions for all Victorians
What are 2 responsibilities for the federal government??
- administration of Medicare
- administration of the PBS (pharmaceutical benefits scheme)
What are 2 responsibilities for the state government??
- licensing GPs
- maternal and child health
- public hospitals
What are 2 responsibilities for the local government??
- maintaining parks/sporting facilities and gardens
- removal of waste
What is Medicare?
Australia’s universal health insurance scheme.
Est in 1984, Medicare gives all Australian residents and people from other countries with a reciprocal agreement (NZ, UK, Ireland, etc) access to health care that is payed for by the government…
What are the values that underpin the Australian health care system??
What does the ‘A’ mean in regards to the social model of health ‘AREAS’???
Addresses the broader determinants of health
What does the ‘S’ mean in regards to the social model of health ‘AREAS’???
interSectional collaboration
-different groups and organisations working together to promote health…
What does the ‘S’ mean in regards to the Ottawa charter for health acronym?
Strengthen community action
-involve and encourage people from all parts of the community
Acronym = DRBCS
What does the ‘D’ mean in regards to the Ottawa charter for health acronym.
Develop personal skills
-inform and empower people to make healthier choices
Acronym = DR.BCS
What does the ‘C’ mean in regards to the Ottawa charter for health acronym
Create supportive environments
-create environments that make healthier choices easier choices…
Acronym = DR.BCS
What does the ‘E’ stand for in regards to the strategic priorities of VicHealth?? Acronym??
promote healthy Eating
What does the ‘A’ stand for in regards to the strategic priorities of VicHealth?? What’s the acronym?
encourage regular physical Activity
What does the ‘P’ mean in regard to VicHealths mission?? Acronym?
Promote good health in partnership with others…
What does the ‘R’ mean in regard to VicHealths mission?? Acronym??
Recognise that the social and economic conditions for all people influence their health…
What does the ‘S’ mean in regards to the values that underpin the Australian health care system?? What’s the acronym??
-a safe health system is one in which there is a focus on actual or potential harm from health care management or the environment in which health care is delivered…
What does the second ‘E’ mean in regards to the values that underpin the Australian health care system?? What’s the acronym??
-an efficient health system is one that can achieve desired outcomes with cost-effective use of resources. Because resources are limited, they need to be used efficiently…
What is the aim of the dietary guidelines
- promote health and wellbeing;
- reduce the risk of diet-related conditions, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity; and
- reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some types of cancers.
What should we eat most according to the ADG??
vegetables and legumes/beans fruits wholegrain cereals reduced fat milk, yoghurt, cheese fish, seafood, poultry, eggs, legumes/beans (including soy), and nuts and seeds. red meat (young females only)
What should we eat less?
starchy vegetables (i.e. there is a need to include a wider variety of different types and colours of vegetables)
refined cereals
high and medium fat dairy foods
red meats (adult males only)
food and drinks high in saturated fat, added sugar, added salt, or alcohol (e.g. fried foods, most take-away foods from quick service restaurants, cakes and biscuits, chocolate and confectionery, sweetened drinks).
Define health promotion according to the Ottawa charter
The process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health