Unit 4: Learning Flashcards
Albert Bandura
Observational learning /Social learning
learn social behaviors mostly thru observation & cognitive processing of info, rather than thru direct experience
learning to anticipate the consequences of an action by observing its consequences for someone else (vicarious conditioning(reinforcement/punishment aka observational learning)
Famous bobo doll experiment that revealed children modeling behavior in adults (specifically aggression toward the doll)
Bobo Doll Experiment by Albert Bandura
revealed children modeling behavior in adults (specifically aggression toward the doll)
children are able to learn social behavior ex: aggression thru observation learning, ( watching the behavior of another person - adults)
children viewed a film of an adult violently hitting an inflatable “Bobo” doll and were allowed to play with the doll. The children then showed aggression towards the doll
Ivan Pavlov
Classical Conditioning
Shared belief w/ watson that basic laws of learning = same for all organisms
Robert Rescorla
Cognitive elements of Classical Conditioning
Found animals can learn the predictability of an event thru trials
Developed contingency model
B.F. Skinner
Operant conditioning / Vicarious conditioning
Operant chamber on rats to test roles of reinforcement & punishment
Edward Thorndike
CREATED Law of Effect
Rewarded behavior tends to recur/ punished behavior is less likely to recur
Edward Tolman
Latent Learning: learning only apparent if theres a motivation/incentive to show it
Showed cognitive map in rats (mental representation layout of one’s environ)
John B. Watson
Objective science off observable behavior
Shared belief w/ Pavlov that basic laws of learning = same for all organisms
John Garcia
Researched Taste Aversion (a learned association between the taste of a particular food and illness such that the food is considered to be the cause of the illness)
Insight Learning
A sudden realization of a problem’s solution (contrasts w/ strategy-based solutions)
A type of learning that occurs by suddenly understanding how to solve a problem rather than by trial and error
Latent Learning
learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive/motivation to demonstrate it
(more to learning then associating a response w/ a consequence; there is cognition)
Intrinsic Motivation
desire to perform behavior effectively for one’s own sake
Extrinsic Motivation
Desire to perform a behavior to receive promised rewards/avoid threatened punishment
Social Learning (observational learning)
process of altering behavior by observing and imitating the behavior of others (learn w/o direct experience)
Learning by observing/modeling others
Emotional Learning
innate ability to be sensitive and have healthy relationships
How emotions / emotional state affect cognitive processes, (ex: memory formation & retrieval)
Taste Aversion
a learned association between the taste of a particular food and illness such that the food is considered to be the cause of the illness
An active dislike for a particular food, developed thru conditioning
Superstitious Behavior
a behavior repeated because it seems to produce reinforcement, even though it is actually unnecessary
Learned Helplessness
the tendency to fail to act to escape from a situation because of a history of repeated failures in the past.
The learned inability to overcome obstacles / avoid punishment
classical conditioning ->
When a behavior, such as a conditioned response, has been learned.
(initital stage) one links a neural stimulus w/ an unconditioned stimulus so NS triggers conditioned response
Learning to pair CS to UCS
classical conditioning ->
Diminishing of a conditioned response; occurs when an UCS does not follow a CS
The cease of a learned response, usually resulting from an end to conditioning
Spontaneous Recovery
(CC) the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response
the reappearance of a learned response after its apparent extinction
(CC) Once response = conditioned, tendency for similar stimulus to CS to elicit a similar response
Respond the same to stimulus similar to conditioned stimulus
ex: if u hear a bell u will jump so then if u hear a ringing noise u will also jump
Higher-order conditioning (cc) / second-order conditioning
procedure, conditioned stimulus in one conditioning experience = paired w/ a new neural stimulus, creating a 2nd (often weaker) conditioned stimulus,
ex: animal learns a bell predicts food, might learn a light predicts the bell, & begin responding to light alone
(CC) learned ability to distinguish between CS and similar stimulus that don’t signal a UCS
only responding to one thing