Unit 4 Learning Flashcards
classical conditioning
learning through association
founder of classical conditioning - learning through association
Watson and Skinner
behaviorists that used Pavlov’s research to study people
Neutral stimulus
a thing that does not cause a response
unconditioned stimulus
natural thing / first thing; dog’s food in Pavlov’s experiment
conditioned stimulus
former neutral stimulus when paired with unconditional stimulus causes a response; the bell in Pavlov’s experiment
unconditioned response
natural or first response
conditioned response
a response to the conditioned stimulus
to get a CR, the CS needs to come 0.5 sec before US
simultaneous conditioning
neutral stimulus presented at same time as the unconditioned stimulus.
backward conditioning
uncoditioned stimulus given first, and neutral stimulus given afterward; tends to result in weak learning
trace conditioning
neutral stimulus presented briefly thenstopped, then the neutral stimulus is presented; weak learning
delayed conditioning
neutral stimulus presented and continues while uncoditioned stimulus is offered; produces best results
☆higher order conditioning
conditioned stimulus paired with another neutral stimulus that causes a conditioned response;
elimination of a conditioned response
spontaneous recovery
once a response is extinct, and you think you’re over it, it comes back
tendency to respond to stimulus similar to CS; after being bit by German Shepard, Bob is afraid of all dogs
discrimination (in learning)
ability to distinguish between CS and another stimulus
cognitive processes
Pavlov underestimated animal’s thinking ability
by Garcia
animals learn expectancy or awareness of a stimulus
radiated rats after drinking sugar water
aversive conditioning
use of something unpleasant to stop unwanted behavior
law of effect - Thorndike
said that rewarded behavior is likely to occur again
changing behavior over time; green lantern sticker from therapist
positive reinforcement
adding something to continue a behavior; paycheck
negative reinforcement
removing something to continue behavior
we want the behavior to continue
primary reinforcement
food, water, survival
secondary/conditioned reinforcement
anything to help us get primary reinforcement; money, job, etc.
immediate reinforcement
reinforcer occurs instantly after behavior; the rat gets a treat as soon as it hits the button
delayed reinforcement
reinforcement that happens after a period of time
positive punishment
adding something they don’t want in order to stop a behavior
negative punishment
removing something they want to stop a behavior