Unit 1 "Intro to Psychology and Research Methods" Flashcards
Scientific study of behavior and thinking
Explains that everything in life is simultaneously biological, psychological, and social
Father of psychology, opened the first ever psychology lab
Wundt idea of presenting stimulus to get a reaction. not always the best because people will lie on the test
wrote first psych textbook, looked at how and why things function in our lives
first female president of APA (American Psychology Association)
first woman to get a PhD. in Psych
first president of APA
correctly believed that mental illness is biological, fought for rights of mentally ill, especially regarding asylums. set up humane houses for them
means to examine the whole person
by Froid, weights conscious and unconscious elements for analysis
father of behavioralism
used reinforcement (rewards) to increase good behavior
drawing from many concepts. modern psychologists use this principle
uses genes, hormones, and neurotransmitters to explain behavior
survival of the fittest
related to thinking
Founders: Maslow, Rogers; believes that all people have potential, some just choose not to use it
think of the bobo doll. how social experiences change the way people think and act
how a person changes over time
educational psychologists
work in school districts (NOT counselors) to help mentally disabled students.
positive psychology
study of what helps people thrive
using data to help understand people. ex: IQ tests
IO psychology
mixes psychology and business to help businesses succeed
clincal psychologists
performs and analyzes studies to understand mental illness more
Counseling psychology
interacting with patients to help them improve
Experimental psychology
studies cause and effect relationships
hindsight bias
“I knew it all along”
sampling bias
giving some people a better chance at being selected
confirmation bias
when you search for proof that your opinion is correct, even when it’s not
operational definition
carefully worded statement of the exact procedure, used in research for replication
case studies
technique where one person is studied in depth to reveal behavior principles that apply to everyone
naturalistic observation
observing people without their knowledge to study their behavior
hawthorne effect
changing your behavior when you know you’re being watched
false consensus effect
tendency to overestimate that others share the same beliefs or behaviors as us
group the sample is being chosen from
wording effect
writing a question that exposes your feelings
longitudinal study
study group or person over long period of time
cross sectional study
study one topic at certain moment, but different ages
meta analysis
using multiple studies to draw conclusions
empirical and anecdotal evidence
empirical: just data
anecdotal: personal experience
relationship between variables
correlation coefficient
measures how strong a correlation is in variable r; from -1 to 1. the closer to - or + 1, the stronger the correlation
positive correlation
both variables go in same direction
negative correlation
one variable goes up, the other goes down
graph used for correlation
illusory correlation
when we believe a relationship exists, even when there is not
confounding variable
anything that can mess up an experiment
third variable
something outside of the experiment that could impact both variables and change the outcome
a person “in on” the experiment, and working with the experimenter
random assignment
equal chance of being put into control or experimental group
double blind
when neither the experimenter nor the participant knows who took the placebo
fake substance
placebo effect
experimental results caused expectations alone
Quasi experiment
deal with groups that have pre-existing differences. ex: only choosing women w/ breast cancer for drug trial
5 ethical principles for human research/experiments
no risk, no coercion, informed consent, confidentiality, debriefing (after the experiment is done)
review boards for psychology