Motivation and Emotion Flashcards
need or desire that energizes behavior
natural survival motivation
Drive reduction
physical needs motivate behavior, ex: food + water
body’s internal levels at normal
Incentive motivation
do something for rewards
arousal theory
adventure and excitement ex: bungee jumping
Achievement Motivation
need to master challenges, outperform others, meet high standards
Maslow hierarchy of needs (starts at lower level first)
- self actualization
- Esteem
- Belongingness
- Safety
- Physiological
Over justification Effect
do something we love, then get rewarded for it and don’t like it anymore
self efficacy
our belief about how well you perform at a single task
Balloon experiment
tricking your brain into thinking your stomach is full
blood sugar, produced in pancreas
produced in pancreas, controls glucose
lateral hypothalamus
tells your brain to eat
Ventromedial hypothalamus - VMH
tells brain you’re full
set point
the weight y our body knows how to work at, 18 months for new one
taste preference is based on
based on culture
anorexia nervosa
when underweight but think they’re overweight
bulimia nervosa
binge eating then forced vomiting
increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, etc.
sexual stages
excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution
sexual problems
premature ejaculation, man orgasms before they want to
male hormone, increases sexual desires
female hormone
adolescent sexuality
culture often determines sexual behavior
sexual orientation
who you are attracted to
gender role
typical male and female behavior
gender typing
child becomes aware of their gender and thus behaves accordingly by adopting values and attributes
gender identity
how you personally feel, masculine or feminine
identity doesn’t match biology
sex researcher, interviewed thousands about their sexual behavior
often people stay in unhealthy relationships because they want to be apart of a couple
sex = babies
James Lange
physical reaction, then emotion comes
Cannon Bard
physical and emotion happen simultaneously
Two factor/Schachter Singer
physical and cognitive label (understanding), then fear happens
emotion before understanding
appraisal determines emotion, cognitive appraisal
changes behavior
Learning Fear
learned through observation and conditioning
Biology of fear
amygdala lights up
Ekman and Friesen
studied babies around world, came up with 6 universal emotions
6 universal emotions
happy, sad, anger, surprise, disgust, fear
facial feedback theory
brain interprets sensations from your facial muscles
Display rules
individual cultures determine appropriate emotional expressions
Catharsis hypothesis
allowing yourself to vent will give you the chance to move on from the problem
Feel good
When we feel happy we are more likely to help people
Subjective well being
Your personal belief about how happy you are
One key to happiness is being in a loving, committed relationship
Adaptive level phenomenon
When we get what we want, our happiness spikes, then levels back to normal after a while
relative deprivation
when we compare ourselves to others, we often feel lacking
any circumstance, real or perceived, that threatens a person’s well being
half of all deaths in 2019 were due to behavior and preventable
behavioral medicine
works with doctors to change negative behavior
health psychology
study of how stress impacts diseases
adaptive behaviors
positive behaviors
maladaptive behaviors
negative behaviors
theory of cognitive appraisal
how badly we view a stressful event or thing
Lazarus/transactional model of stress and coping
personal belief that you can or cannot handle a stressful event
Stress response system
when you’re stressed, adrenal glands send out epinephrine and norepinephrine
cortisol (glucocorticoids)
hormones released by adrenal glands to come you down
headaches, muscle issue, stomach pain brought on by psychological factors
hypochondriasis / illness anxiety disorder
person has a physical issue that they believe is something much more serious
type a personality
needs to be in charge, more likely to have heart attack than type B
type b personality
easy going and relaxed
B lymphocytes
fights bacterial infections
T lymphocytes
T cells, attack viruses and cancer cells
clean up the systems in our body
problem focus coping
change the situation
emotion focus coping
change your reaction
explanatory style
optimists have less stress and anxiety
5 times per week, 40 minutes each time