unit 4 Flashcards
why was jefferson’s election called the “revolution of 1800”
-peaceful transfer of power from one party to another
-electoral college was a tie so house had to choose for the first time
importance of marbury v. madison
-established judicial review
-ability of the supreme court to ovetrun congressional law if unconstitutional
-made the supreme court as powerful as the other two branches
changes in jefferson’s political ideas during the louisiana purchase
-was an antifederalist and beleived in a strict construction of the Constitution
-changed his ideas because the consitution did not give him power to buy land from another foreign ruler but he did it anyway
how did federalist try to keep power after adams lost the election in 1800?
-packed the court with federalist judges
-marbury v. madison gave them more power
resulf of embargo act of 1807
-contributing factor in the war of 1812
-caused massive unemployment and falling economy
-france and britian were america’s two main trading partners
war hawks
-young, republican congressman
-advocated for war in 1812 becasue they wanted terrirtorial expansion in canada
-would eventually take up the flag of the republican party
-products of republican motherhood
tecumseh and war of 1812
-militant leader of the native americans who wanted to unify them in order to resist US settlement of thier territories
-told everyone to stop making treaties with america
-renewed britiish alliance
reasons for the war of 1812
-british impressment of sailors/ chesapeake
-tecumseh and british alliance
-could gain territory in canada (war hawks pushed for)
-embargo act failure
terms of treaty of ghent, 1814
-set boundary between canada and US
-didn’t really solve any of the issues they had gone to war for
federalist party response to war of 1812
-greatly opposed
-discussed succession and ways to stop war from succeeding/happening
monroe doctrine
-based on newly independent nations
-US warned europe that any attmept to interfere in the western hemisphere owuld be seen as unfriendly toward US
tallmadge ammendment of 1819
-when missouri applies for statehood, had 10k slaves
-some people did not like this and proposed the ammendment
-called for gradual liberation of slaves and no more new slaves in missouri
-many opposed
-henry clay made compromise
how did missouri compromise bring in sectionalism?
-madea line to divide free/slave territories
-created political division
what increased voter turnout in 1824?
-1/2 states practiceed universal manhood suffrage
-more people could vote so they did
outcome of the corrupt bargain
-john qincy adams elected president even though many people did not like him
-henry caly pushed for him inthe hosue by making corrupt deals
-after jqa was elected he made clay secretary of state
henry clay’s american system
-internal improvements for improving manufacturing
lowell girls and market revolution
-young girls working in factories to supplement family income
-lowell was the first factory town
-increase in transportation = increase in manufacturing = need for more labor
jackson’s response to south carolinia’s nullification threat to “tariff of abominations”
-threatened to use military intervention
-force bill gave him this authority
-if a state did not agree with a law they could just ignore it/not enforcee it
-created arguements about state vs. national governemtn power
why did jackson veto the bill to recharter the scond bank of the US in 1832?
-thought it was unfair because it didn’t lend to poor farmers
-wanted to place money in smaller, wildcat” banks
-appealed to anticlassism
what oplicy did jackosn ahve towards native americans
-indian removal act
0relocated 5 civilized tribes east of the mississippi
-ignored worcestrer v. georgia verdict
worcester v. georgia
-supreme court ruled that cherokee had land rights
-happened when cherokee sued for land rights
how did jeckson contoversially expland the presidency’s power?
-spoils system (gave his supporters important political jobs)
-ignored supreme court’s ruling in worcester v. georgia
-forced secretary of treasury to withdrawl money from bank to put in wildcat banks
-used veto
structure and purpose of polictical machins
-local and state party organizations faccilitarted by newspapers
-got upport for party and candidates
“femme covert”
-legal status for women
-no individualism
-dependent on male leader of household
purpose of female education vs. purpose of male education
-male = to better themselves/their career
-female = instruct children/ teach
why were preachers able to spread messeagese in the second great wakening?
-transportation was better
-promoted social and moral reform based on potimism on american possibilites
-aligned with values for women at the tiem of domestic responsibility