ch. 2-5 Flashcards
describe causes for exploration for common people
-bubonic plauge/risky world caused some ppl to want to take more risks and go on voyages to undiscovered lands
-voyages promised fame and fortune to those who succeeded
describe causes for exploration for monarchs
-gold, glory, God
-sponsored exploration to enlarge realm and enrich dynasty
-more territory= more subjects, more taxes, more soldiers, more commerce, more power and money
what societal characteristics differed between europeans and native americans?
-native americans had no private property, animistic religion, and were an agricultural society
-europeans had private property (very imporant to them), were christian, and had an economy based on many diff things like trade
what factor mostly contributed to the downfall of native populations when europeans arrived?
-europeans brought over diseases that the NA’s ahd never been exposed to so they had no immunity and it wiped them out
why did spain introduce the encomienda system?
-wanted to reward soldiers
-use NA population to their advantage
-control land in and around their towns
-additional idea of trying to convert NA to christianity
how did spian supplement their labor source after the high mortality rate of the natives?
-by importing african slaves
describe english attempts at colonization before the 1600s
-sir humphrey gilbert tried to make a colony in newfoundland but he vanished at sea
-sir walter raliegh tried to settle roanoke but no one stayed
-had john white take over and when JW returned all settlers were gone
describe the importance of baraolome de las casas
-believed that NA’s were not to be treated lesser than or inhumanely
-spanish activist who wrote a response to sepulveda abt the good things abt NA’s and challenging his ideas
-one of the few ppl to view them this way
describe an economic similiarity between the english and spanish colonies
-english and spanish used agriculture in some of their colonies
-also took advantage of NAs for their economic benefit
describe one economic difference between the english and spanish coloneis
-english grew cash crops like tobacco and goal was to make a profit for england
-spanish had encomienda system that main goal was ot make money for encomendero
what contributed to the high death rates of early jamestwon settlers?
-mostly bc none of them were farmers so they had no food
-also only source of water was swampy
-they carried disease over
what is primogeniture
-laws passed by pariliament saying the oldest brother gets all of the estate if a family dies
how did primogeniture contribute to increased colonial setllers
-ppl who were rich but lost money ot their older siblings came over bc they were left iwth nothing
define the importance of the virginia house of burgesses
-after virgina was changed to a royal colony
-the assembly of representatives was elected by the colonists but the laws they made had to be approved by the king’s bueraccrats
-oldest representative law making assembly in english colonies
-free men could vote for it
-more democratic than english house of commons
what group comprised most of the immigrants to the chesapeake region in the 17th century?
-indentured servants (bought their passage to america for promised labor when they got there)
what facto led ot the polarization of social groups in the cesapeak region by the 1670s?
–planters saw landless as dangerous and not fellow colonists
-landless thought it was unfair
how was plitical equality reuced in virginia by the 1670s?
-outlawed voting of poor men/men with no land
-only land owners who were the head of the house could vote
describe the economy of barbadoes colony in the 1680
-omplelety run by a few rich sugar paltnters
-they were 4x richer than tobacco planters
-owned an average of 115 slaves
-slaves made up 75% of the people
what reasons did the planter class prefer african slave labor to indentured servants in the 1670s?
-africans could never escape their slavery
-permanent labor force
-easily distinguishable
define middle passage
-atlantic route ships woudl take form africa to the americas to bring slaves and goods over
define the dconomic system of mercantilism
-goal is to help big/mother country
-attempts to get wealth thorugh trade w others
-exports > imports
define the beliefs of the puritans
-they thought that the english chruch eneded reform (not to separate)
-needed to be more pure
-was too much like catholic church
what was the overall goal of the puritan settlement in massachussets bay?
-to be a city on the hill/ example for others
-to offer a safe haven for puritains where they could practice their faith without being persecuted
why did the massachussetts colony have a better beginning than jamestwon?
-majority of them came from middle class so they were tradesmen/farmers and had practical sklls for setttlign a new place
-codes were enforced and the idea of being an example for others make them work hard
-puritan work ethic
decribe the settlers to the puritan colonies in new england
-middle class
-pious puritans
-arrived in family units
define the importance of the mayflower copact and new england town meetings
-more democratic than england
-almsot a different soceity because of them
-eery adult man could speak in town meetings
-everyone on the ship agreed to the mayflower compact (like declaration of independece almsot)
who was anne hutchinson?
-devout puritan woman
-said she had a dream from God
-held bible studies in her house
-ppl listened to her but some things contradicted john winthrop
-put on trial by him and banished from society
-died by NA attack “this is what you get”
why was anne hutchinson important to new england history?
-exemplified the dissenters of puritian fiath in new england at that time
-society was becoming “splintered” and was not as perfect as it started out
how did a decrease in religious migrants lead to the halfway covenant in the 1680s?
-less religious ppl came to the colonies and caused religious ferver to die out
-most of the second gen did not get converted
-solution was to let their children get converted (although techinically their parents were supposed ot have been converted b4 them) so they could still have church members
describe the colony of new netherland (against NE and south colonies)
-founded by Dutch joint stock instead of english people
-not many europeans were attracted there (low on numbers)
-eventually overtaken by english
-peaceful with native americans (when dutch)
-very diverse group in religion and countries
what cuased conflicts between english settlers and native american in NE and virgina
-there were too many people who got granted land or headright for their indentured service but their land was encroaching on native land and they got mad
identify and desribe a societyal connection between bacons rebellino and the salem witch trials
-both came about because of social tension (thought society would fall apart if smth didnt change)
-bacon: need more protection from NA and better structure of government for poor
-SWT: ppl who were not as pious were threatening perfect puritain society
how did the politics and laws of the massachussetts colony reflect winthrops original goal for the colony?
-the strict legal codes based on religious principles reinforced the idea of perfection for the individual and the importance of religion
how did some merchant colonists respond to the passage of the navigation actsin the 1650s?
-by ignoring them/going around them and illegally smuggling thier goods on differnet nations ships or even american vessels
deine the purpose of the dominion of new england
-to give the monarchy/engalnd more power over the colonies
-to limit the colony’s freedom/control over themselves-
what dierct influence did the glorious revolution of 1688 have on the american colonies
-the dominon of new engalnd was overthrough in 1689
what was the trianglular trade/atalndic economy like?
-unfiished goods sent from america to europe
-goods sold in europe or shipped back to america or africa
-slaves from africa to americas
how did indentured servitudte differ from redemtioners in the middle colonie?
-redemptioners had more rights and undrestanding of what they were oging into
-they were able to negotiate their terms of service also
how did geography play a role in the development of th enorthern and southern coloine”
-north: closer ot coast but rocker soil = good for fishing, lumbering, and exporting the cash crops
-south: good farming soil and climate so good for agricutlure
-overall shaped economy and lifestyle of each
what is an element of coloinal unity against hte british rule?
-glorious revolution of 1688
-uprisings in all colonies against british