UNIT 4 Flashcards
Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning terms and examples
What is Classical Conditioning?
A type of unconscious or automatic learning
Who discovered Classical Conditioning?
Russian Physiologist Ivan Pavlov
What is an Unconditioned Stimulus?
A stimulus or trigger that leads to an automatic response
What is an Unconditioned Response?
An automatic response or a response that occurs without thought when an unconditioned stimulus is present
What is a Neutral Stimulus?
A stimulus that doesn’t initially trigger a response on its own
What is a Conditioned Stimulus?
A stimulus that was once neutral (didn’t trigger a response), but now leads to a response
What is a Conditioned Response?
A learned response or a response that is created where no response existed before
What is Acquisition?
The initial stage of learning, when a response is first established and gradually strengthened
What is Extinction?
The occurrences of a conditioned response decreases or disappears
What is Stimulus Discrimination?
The ability to notice the difference (differentiate) between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that have not been paired with an unconditional stimulus
What is Stimulus Generalization?
The tendency for a conditioned stimulus to evoke similar responses after the response has been conditioned
What is Shaping?
A procedure in Operant Conditioning in which reinforcers guide behavior closer and closer towards a goal
What is Higher Order Conditioning?
Also known as second-order conditioning, is a procedure in which the conditioned stimulus of one experiment acts as the unconditioned stimulus of another
What is Operant Conditioning?
A type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by reinforcement and diminished if followed by punishment
What is a Reinforcer?
Any event that STRENGTHENS the behavior it follows
Two types: Positive and Negative
What is a Positive Reinforcer?
Strengthens a response by presenting a stimulus after a response