Unit 3: Myeloproliferative Disorders Flashcards
MPNs =
monoclonal hyperproliferation abnormalities
(neoplasms) or myeloproliferative neoplasms.
MPNs aka…
chronic non-lymphoid “malignancies”.
MPNs usually affects what precursors?
erythroid, granulocyte, monocyte, or megakaryocyte precursors
-All can vary dramatically in presentation.
All present as stable ___________ disorders, which can have ______ phases.
chronic, acute
Can more than one MPN coexist?
-All can coexist with each other. (You can have > 1 at the same time!)
-All can transform into each other.
-All can transform into AML (& very rarely, even into ALL)!
MPN can exhibit hyper___________ and or hyper___________.
hypereosinophilia or hyperbasophilia
Ture or false:
MPN can have problems with thrombosis or hemorrhage.
Why have MPNs been hard to classify?
due to overlapping characteristics
MPNs are ________ in origin from a single pluripotential
hemopoietic stem cell.
Major defect with Polycythemia Vera (PV)?
overproduction of RBCs
Major defect with Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia (CML)?
overproduction of granulocytes
Major defect with Essential Thrombocytosis (ET)?
overproduction of platelets
Major defect with Myelofibrosis (PMF)?
overproduction of bone marrow fibroblasts
Etiology of Polycythemia Vera (PV)?
Clonal stem cell disorder (various mutations)
Causes unregulated proliferation of bone marrow erythroid, granulocytic, and megakaryocytic elements with ever-increasing RBC #s in p.b.
Polycythemia Vera (PV)
How to cells appear and function with Polycythemia Vera?
-all cells appear normal
-RBCs function normally, have N. lifespan.
-RBCs are normo- normo-….until Fe stores get used up.
Polycythemia Vera:
Best know mutation is in gene for protein called ____
(>90% of patients).
JAK2 is a…
nonreceptor tyrosine kinase
It plays an important role for the EPO & TPO receptors up to their place on the RBC’s surface, so these cells are super sensitive!
JAK2 protein
Even though hyperactivity of JAK2 may not initiate PV, it is…
associated with PV.
Stem cells with JAK2 mutation are resistant to…
erythropoietin apoptosis
_____ mutation also associated with ET & CIMF.
What are the two major criteria that both need to be met for Diagnosis of PV?
- Hgb level of:
>18.5 g/dL in men
>16.5 g/dL in women - Identification of JAK2 mutation
What are the 3 minor criterion for PV diagnosis? (only one needs to to be met along with the two major)
- panmyelosis in bone marrow
- low serum EPO level*
- autonomous, erythoid colony formation
What are the clinical symptoms of PV?
“Ruddy” face
Itchy skin
Feeling of fullness after eating only small amounts
Blurred vision
↑ [uric acid]
PV symptoms:
LAP is…
PV symptoms:
serum B12?
oxygen saturation?
Clinical Symptoms of PV:
Why a ruddy face?
Severely ↑ RBCS show up as pink color under the skin
Clinical Symptoms of PV:
Why hypertension?
Severely ↑ RBCS cause “sludgy” blood
Clinical Symptoms of PV:
Why a feeling of fullness?
Splenomegaly pressure on stomach (from ↑ cell turnover)
Clinical Symptoms of PV:
Why increased uric acid?
↑ DNA degradation due to ↑ cell turnover
*** PV:
____ EPO levels
In all polycythemias: Absolute erythrocytosis, with:
RBC(T) =
6 - 10 x 10 6/uL
Hgb >
18 g/dL
Hct =
55 - 60%
0 - 3 mm/hr
_________ WBCs and plts., with N. morphology
Normal or increased
-Immature granulocytes and nRBCs
Platelet range seen with Polycythemia Vera?
400,000 - 2,000,000/uL
plts with _____ forms and ___________ function.
giant, abnormal
Bone marrow is __________, with worsening fibrosis
What decreases when disease progresses from “stable phase” to “spent phase”?
Fe stores
What is the treatment for Polycythemia Vera?
No cure
Therapeutic phlebotomy 1st choice
Myelosuppressive drugs (Ex., hydroxyurea) can
↓ blood volume & ↑ Fe stores.
What is the risk of Myelosuppressive drug treatment with Polycythemia Vera?
later risk of transformation into AML. (About 15% all PV pts. progress into AML eventually, anyway)
Clonal stem cell disorder
Causes extreme elevation of both mature & immature myeloid cells in bone marrow.. which then shows up in the p.b.
Slow clinical course
Primarily seen in adults, but can occur at any age
Chronic Myelocytic / Myelogenous / Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
CML clinical symptoms?
Excessive bleeding or bruising
Hepatosplenomegaly causes what to happen to the patient?
A feeling of fullness and eventual weight loss