Heme Exam C Flashcards
Aplastic anemia if RPI is…
How do you calculate RPI?
Retic % x [Hct./45]
divided by
maturation time in days
HJ is seen in ____________anemia.
Warm Auto, which cell is seen?
Cold Auto will have which cells?
spherocytes and schistocytes
Osmotic fragility with thalassemia?
Which test is not important to differentiate IDA and thalassemia?
What is associated with babies with kidney disease?
CD marker for PNH?
16, 48, 55, 59
Acute Acquired Red Cell Aplasia is usually following a ______ infections, in which some viruses attack the erythroblasts
-There is no need for any treatment, as it is cleared along with the virus
:genetic and is usually manifested in infants below the age of
one, they have similar characteristics of Fanconi’s anemia such as microcephaly, short stature, skeletal deformities
Diamond Blackfan Syndrome
What is the diagnostic test for Diamond Blackfan Syndrome?
an enzyme assay for Adenosine deaminase
Does IDA or ACD have a high RDW?
-ACD is fairly normal (due to sufficient iron stores)
What is TIBC with IDA?
normal or increased
What is TIBC with ACD?
normal or decreased
measures iron in…plasma/serum
-the Fe3+ form of iron that is bound to the transport protein transferrrin in the plasma
Serum iron
What lab values are associated with sideroblastic anemia?
-SI increased
-TIBC decreased or normal
-Prussian blue for pappenheimer inclusions
- >10% sideroblasts in the BM
-These are the siderotic granules ppt, due to not proper iron being put into the heme. They are Fe3+ form. ( insoluble)
___% of iron in the body is the form of hemoglobin
EPO in intravascular hemolysis is…
Hgb that has FE3+ and 1% in adult
What the normal adult hemoglobin?
What is the normal fetal hemoglobin?
Which pathway removes oxidative stress?
hexose monophosphate
Which changes methemoglobin to hemoglobin?
hexose monophosphate
Iron that binds to hemoglobin is in what state?
Intravascular hemolysis –> _________ haptoglobin
iron is stored in the form of soluble _________ and insoluble _________.
ferritin, hemosiderin
Normal SI range?
Normal TIBC range?
Normal Se Ferritin range?
KB stain is for
alpha2 gamma2
Erythropoietin will stimulate which CFU?
Intravascular hemolysis is characteristic of which cell/cells?
Pernicious anemia is not a B12 deficiency its an _________ problem.
intrinsic factor
How are dacrocytes formed?
when the cells attempt to pass through the microcirculation resulting in the pinching the cell as the part containing the inclusion is left behind.
what crystals is associated with nephrotic syndrome
cholesterol crystals
Will RDW be increased or decreased with IDA?
Beta thalassemia has decreased hgb A and increased hgb ____ and hgb ____
A2, F
urobilinoginurua , hemoglobinuria and hemosiderinuria are characteristic of which hemolysis?
45% hgb S and 46% hgb C is characteristic of what disease?
Hemoglobin S/C disease
Which thalassemia has the MOST codocytes?
Beta major???
CRC formula
reticulocyte % × (patient Hct/normal Hct)
What is the difference between polychromatic cells and reticulocytes?
Polychromasia and reticulocytes are the same cell with wright and supravital stain respectively
Valine for glutamic acid is hgb ___
Lysine for glutamic acid if hgb ___
hypersegmented neutrophils is seen in what type of anemia?
megaloblastic anemia
Malaria dugs can cause what deficiency?
Ture or false: All polychromatophilic cells are reticulocytes
Hemoglobinpath. Vs thal.
Thal = decreased rate of SYNTHESIS
Hgb = DNA Mutation and structure
What is the last stage of erythrocyte maturation that is capable of mitosis?
Polychromatic erythroblast
what is the order of RBC maturation?
-basophilic normoblast
-polychromatic normoblast
IDA vs ACD - ferritin
IDA- low
ACD- normal or increased
CBC w/ increased MCV and increased total bilirubin and LDH…what test should be ordered next?
B12 folate DNA synthesis testing
LD with IgM that binds to complement
Cooley Anemia is another name for…
Beta Thal. Major
yellow crystals in macrophages?
Bilirubin crystals
Kidneys stone type seen in children
Calcium stones (oxalate and phosphate)
Serum FA-ABS pos and VDRL CSF neg, what does it mean?
Melituria is due to…
sugar in the urine
glucosuria and acidic urine is associated with…
Severe intrinsic hemolytic anemia will have what change
decreased haptoglobin
Guthrie test control
Bactillius subtilis is incubated on a media of known blood concentration
what is the most common cause of end stage renal disease?
Diabetic nephropathy
What is the relative protein concentrations between CSF and serum?
concentration is much lower in CSF!
What is the normal amount of CSF in an adult?
around 140 mL
An athlete is training and his increase/decrease 2,3BPG will cause an increase/decrease to his hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen
Increase in 2,3BPG will decrease Hgb O2 affinity and increase O2 offloading to the tissues
Normal CSF protein and glucose levels?
15–40 mg/dL protein
50–80 mg/dL (two thirds of blood glucose)
What disease causes large amounts of branched-chain amino acids to be excreted in the urine?
Branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase deficiency, commonly known as Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD),
megaloblastic anemia is associated with what inclusions?
HJ bodies
-Lithotripsy is a procedure that…
uses shock waves to break up stones in the kidney
What are Cabot rings composed of?
remnants from mitotic spindles
Which organic acidemia produces urine with an odor of “sweaty feet”?
Isovaleric acidemia
Abnormal amounts of indigo blue in the urine are indicative of a defect in the metabolism of
The finding of increased amounts of the serotonin degradation product 5-HIAA in the urine indicates:
Argentaffin cell tumors
Renal tubular epithelial cells and casts are significant for what condition?
Acute tubular necrosis
Analysis of urine from an infant whose mother reported a blue staining on the diapers showed increased levels of indican and a generalized aminoaciduria. On the basis of these findings, the infant was diagnosed as having:
Hartnup disease
The finding of a “blue diaper” is indicative of a defect in the metabolism of:
What is the last stage in erythropoiesis that can Undergo mitosis and divide
Polychromatophilic normoblast
a hemolytic disorder caused by Donath Landsteiner IgG autoantibody that binds to red cells in the cold, and causes hemolysis of the cells when complement activated at warmer temperatures