Test 6: Coagulation Testing Flashcards
What is the most common specimen of choice for coagulation laboratory testing?
Whole blood that is anti-coagulated with sodium citrate (3.2%) 9:1 ratio is required.
Specimen is centrifuged for _____ minutes at _______ rpm in order to produce platelet-poor plasma (PPP)
20, 2000
(note: most labs will decrease the time and increase the rpm to save time)
Why does the plasma need to be platelet-poor for PT and PTT testing?
-Plts. may release membrane phosphoilpids
-Plts. secrete fibrinogen, factors V, and VIII, and vWF
-Plts. may shorten PTs, PTTs, and clot-based assays
do all same sized blood tubes require the same amount of blood?
No (be careful with this)
If patient has a Hct of >____%, must use deceased amount of sodium citrate, otherwise it will cause prolonged coagulation results.
(ex: hemachromatosis or polycythemia vera)
Any clot before testing is……
Unacceptable (consumes clotting factors, giving a prolonged result)
EDTA contamination can ________ coagulation results.
why must specimens be assayed as soon as possible and the plasma kept cold?
to avoid factor deterioration
What type of specimen is needed for platelet testing?
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)- low centrifugation or whole blood
(BT, platelet function, Plt aggregometry, flow cytometry, ELISA)
What are the standard Coagulation screening tests?
-Platelet count
-Bleeding time or PFA-100
Tests for the extrinsic pathway
Prothrombin Time (PT)
What are the reagents for Prothrombin Time (PT)?
Tissues factor, phospholipid, and calcium
What is the principle of Prothrombin Time (PT) test?
Citrated PPP added to the reagent and the time for fibrin clot formation is measured.
Prothrombin Time (PT) reference range?
11-13 seconds
substitution of Russel’s viper venom instead of reagent, activates factor X directly (bypassing VII).
PT variation
PT variation- substitution of Russel’s viper venom, instead of reagent, activates factor X directly (bypassing VII). This variation of the common PT is known as the _________ Time.
PT test is prolonged by…
-Coumadin therapy
-Vit. K deficiency
-Factor VII deficiency
-liver disease
Is Factor 13 monitored by PT test?
INR is for _________ info only!
INR value of ____ means the dosage of anticoagulant is too high.
The PT results that a lab would obtain if the test were performed using the standardized WHO reference thromboplastin reagent with an assigned International Sensitivity Index (ISI) value of 1.0
INR (International Normalized Ratio)
(patient PT/mean normal PT)
*this is not performed in the lab
Normal INR range?
What is INR used to monitor?
anticoagulation therapy
Should never be used to assess hemostasis!
Test for intrinsic pathway
APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
Reagents for PTT test?
-phospholipid-rich preparation (previous partial thromboplastin)
-activator (kaolin,ellagic acid, or Celite)
-calcium chloride is used as an additional reagent to initiate clotting
Principle PPT test?
patient’s PPP is pre-incubated with the phospholipid/activator reagent to activate contact factor activation.
following incubation, calcium chloride is added as a separate reagent to intitate the clotting cascade.
fibrin clot formation is timed.
reference range for PPT test?
25-35 seconds
Causes for prolonged PTT (bleeding patient)
-Heparin (UFH)
-Von Willebrand disease
-Hemophilia A or B
-Factor XI deficiency (Cemophilia C)
Causes for prolonged PTT (non-bleeding or clotting patient)
*Lupus anticoagulant
-contact factor deficiency (Factor XII, Pre-K, and HMWK deficiency)
What does TCT and TT measure?
conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
*NOT thrombin! Thrombin is added for this test
tests for deficiency or inhibition of fibrinogen
Thrombin Clotting Time (TCT or TT)
Prinicple of TCT/TT
bovine thrombin reagent is added to PPP and the time to clot formation is measured.
Reference range for TCT/TT?
14-19 seconds
What can cause prolonged TT?
-therapeutic heparin
-pt with increased fibrin degradation products
-pt with any disorder of hypofibrinogenemia
The best test to determine if a sample is contaminated with heparin