unit 3 Flashcards
takeoff is prohibited when ice is adhering to…
ice, frost or snow is adhering to any CRITICAL SURFACE of the plane (ex. wings, tail, propeller)
explain the coal soaking phenomenon
when plane goes from cold to warm area, condensation and ice can build up on the planes skin
- wing surface warms up, but fuel is still very cold = forms frost
how does ice affect wing, propellers and windshield differently
wing collects ice = ice changes shape of wing = less lift and ore drag
ice on prop = asymmetric vibration and loss of thrust
ice on windshield blocks vision
you can not land a small/light plane on a snowy surface unless…
you can guarantee the safety of the surface (call ahead of time to ask if runway cleared)
conditions are considered to be “whiteout” when
unbroken snow cover + overcast sky = cant’ see horizon or landmarks
severe turbulence from a thunderstorm can extend up to ____ miles from the storm
20 miles
thunderstorm avoidance rules:
- don’t takeoff or land when…
- don’t fly ____ the storm
- avioid area when storm covers ____ of that area
- storm approaching
- underneath
- 6/10
when flying through a mountain:
- downdrafts occur in _____ areas, updrafts occur in ____ areas
- make a route when you can always do a _________
- must be able to complete a _____ _____ type of turn at all times
- shady, sunny
- safe forced landing
- maximum rate, minimum radius turn
for wildlife reasons, don’t fly less than _____ ft AGL
T/F: i can use landing lights and strobe lights for collision avoidance
false, can’t use strobe lights when it’s cloudy (or taxiing). so yes you can use either landing lights or strobe lights, but you can’t use strobe when it’s cloudy
the CRFI (can runway friction index) tells us
CRFI = 0.1
CRFI = 1 means…
how slippery the runway is
0.1 = slippery af
1 = dry
explain VASIS vs PAPI systems
VASIS = visual approach slope indicator system
- red/red = dead
- white/white = flight
- red/white = perfect
PAPI = 2-4 light system
minimum aerodrome lighting is
two parallel rows of white lights spaced 200 ft apart for a minimum length of 420m (1377 ft)
where do you check to see if there’s any new towers on your route that’s not marked on a map?
CFS and NOTAM in your area
what is wheelbarrowing
plane going too fast on landing with a nose down attitude = too much lift that it keeps the back wheels off the runway = all weight on nose wheel
porpoising explain
touch down with all 3 wheels at same time = bounce
landing distances can be increased up to ____% when a tire hydroplanes
wind shear definition
change in wind speed or wind direction
most susceptible to wnd shears if your plane is ____ ____ ____
large, heavy and slow
T/F: passengers are in control of their phone use
false pilots can decide whether or not passengers use phones
avoid a bird by
full power and climb
passenger briefing must have:
- emergency exits
- how to use seatbelt
- how to position and secutere their seat
- how to stow carryon bags
- no smoking
high density altitude = ______ performance
______ temp, altitude, pressure, humidity = poor performance
high temp
high altitude
low pressure
high humidity
how is engine, propeller and wings affected by low air density
- engine = less power
- propeller = less thrust
- wings = less lift
low air density = ______ takeoff run, and _____ landing distance
longer takeoff run
longer landing distance
explain the ground effect
decrease in induced drag that the wings generate when they are close to the ground because wake vortices blocked by ground
- can use ground effect to gain speed/soft field takeoffs
danger of ground effect
when plane raises out of the ground effect, its in danger of stalling or settling back to the ground because of this influx of the previously hidden induced drag
Vx vs Vy
Vx = best angle of climb = most altitude gain per unit of distance
Vy = best rate of climb = most altitude gain per unit of time
Va explain
maneuvering speed
- as long as plane is operated at speeds slower than Va, the wing will stall before sustaining damage from too much load
how does Va change with weight of plane
heavy plane = Va increases
light plane = Va decreases
to glide for range use what speed
best L:D ratio
how change speed if glide into head wind vs tail wind
head wind = increase speeed so you don’t stall
tail wind = decrease speed so you don’t cause damage
flying for range vs endurance
range = farthest distance we can fly for given amount of fuel
endurance = longest time we can stay in the air for a given amount of fuel
flying for range vs endurance
range = farthest distance we can fly per unit of fuel
indicated vs true airspeed
does indicated and true speeds vary with altitude, and does stalling speed change?
indicated airspeed = speed of plane relative to wind
true airspeed = speed accounting for air density (plane moves faster when air is thinner)
plane will say that indicated airspeed at sea level and 10000 ft are the same because it’s the same proportion of molecules going past static port and pitot.
but at higher altitudes, you have less drag so you do end up flying faster with same power input.
indicated stall speed is always the SAME
true stall speed increases with altitude because there’s less molecules to give you lift, so you need to fly faster
two planes operated at same angle of bank:
the faster plane = ______ radius and ______ rate of turn
larger radius and smaller rate
two planes operated at same speed:
the plane at steeper angle of bank = _____ radius and _____ rate of turn
smaller radius and larger rate
tail heavy plane has ____ CoG
- puts ____ pressure on tail stabilizer
- ____ stalling speed, and when it stalls the nose goes ____
- less
- lower
nose heavy plane has a ___ CoG
- ____ pressure on tail stabilizer
- ____ stalling speed, and when it stalls the nose pitches _____
- more
- increases
- down
ice accumulation with the thickness and roughness of a medium to coarse sandpaper will decrease lift by ___% and increase drag by ___%
lift = 30%
drag = 40%
why do you need to dry your plane off when taking it out of a warm hanger on a winter day
don’t want puddles of water on plane or else it could freeze
how does rain make cold soaking worse
in tropical climate, rain hits cold wing and freezes into ice and ice is bad
Type 1 icing fluid
- for _____ ice
- made from ____ + ______
- removing
- glycol + water/antifreeze
type 2 icing fluid
- for _____ ice
- used for planes at _____ speeds because…
- low speeds or else it’ll fly off at high speeds
shearing speed for having type 3 icing fluid on wings
less than 100 knots
shearing speed for having type 4 icing fluid on wings
over 100 it’s
what is fluid “holdover time”
how long the de-icing or anti-icing fluid will hold on for
T/F: de icing or anti-icing provides in-flight icing protection
no those only last for short period of time and plane has other in flight methods of protection
what decreases icing fluid holdover time (ratio, rain vs snow, temperature)
diluted mixture
rain has more moisture than snow
low temperatures
all decrease amount of time the icing solutions will last on plane
dry grass runway:
- ____% longer takeoff ground roll because more friction
- ____% longer landing because more slippery
15% takeoff
45% landing
does wind affect endurance calculations (flying for max endurance)
no because yo’ll be in the air for 4hrs with or without wind
downslope runway has illusion of appearing too _____ on approach to landing
upslope runway has illusion of appearing too _____ on approach to landing
why do overloaded planes have a decreased range and lower cruising speed
heavy plane = high angle of attack = more drag
more drag = burn more fuel = shorter distance it travels = decreased range
more drag = slows plane down = lower cruising speed
standard airplane weight
standard empty weight
basic empty weight
useful load
maximum takeoff weight
standard airplane weight = airframe + engine
standard empty weight = airframe + engine + un-usable fuel and oil
basic empty weight = airframe + engine + un-usable fuel + oil + optional equipment
useful load = weight you can add like passengers + fuel + bags + fuel
maximum takeoff weight = max weight your plane is approved for takeoff
what is a “superseded” weight and balance report and what changes?
you replace an old GPS with a new GPS equipment (new weight reading to account for)
so that changes the basic empty weight and useful load
what is maximum ramp weight
mac weight approved for ground maneuvering
- allows you to fill up the fuel tanks a few more points above the max takeoff weight because the plane will burn this fuel during the start, taxi and run-up
weight of AVGAS, jet fuel and oil in lbs/gal
AVGAS = 6 lbs/gal
jet fuel = 6.6 lbs/gal
oil = 7.5 lbs/gal
what is zero fuel weight
weight of the plane + passengers+ oil + bags + un-usable fuel
everything EXCEPT usable fuel
moment = ___ x ____
arm x weight
normal category +/- G limits
+ 3.8 G
- 1.5 G
utility category +/- G limits
+ 4.4 G
- 1.7 G
acrobatic category +/- G limits
+6 G
- 3 G
T/F: wake turbulence strongest at lift-off
true because slow speeds = high AoA = high drag = large vortices
wake vortex trails behind planes at _____ ft/min and below plane at ____ ft
behind. 300-500 ft/min
below 1000 ft
size of wake turbulence (width and depth in terms of wingspan)
width = 2 wingspans
depth = 1 wingspan
how does wind and turbulent conditions affect wake turbulence
wind can blow someone else’s vortices onto your runway
calm conditions = vortices stay
turbulent conditions = vortices break up faster
whose responsibility is it to avoid wake turbulence
weight categories of light, medium and heavy plane
light = less than 7000 kg
medium = 7000-136 000 kg
heavy = greater than 136 000 kg
wake turbulence vs jet blast
wake turbulence from induced drag of wing while flying in air
jet blast is from engine
idle blast area and takeoff thrust area of a jumbo jet
idle blast area = 600 ft
takeoff thrust area = 1600 ft
idle blast area and takeoff thrust area of a medium jet
idle blast area 450 ft
takeoff thrust area = 1200 ft
idle blast area and takeoff thrust area of a small jet
idle blast area = 200 ft
takeoff thrust area = 500 ft
after ___hr of not arriving at your destination, who starts the official search for you
JRCC (joint rescue coordination centre)
once a plane is reported missing, a _____ will be sent to nearby ATS. what should you do
MANOT (missing aircraft notification)
keep visual lookout and monitor 121.5
transponder code 7700 means
transponder 7600 means
communitcation failure
transponder 7500 means
transponder 7500 then 7700 means
hijack that is bad and requesting armed intervention
how to tell radar ATC you’re in trouble and can’t establish communication
fly triangle pattern