u2 Flashcards
if your licence is expired or revoked, what do you have to do with them
return it to TC
who can legally request and inspect your documents? x3
peace officer
immigration officer
the Minister (TC)
what’s an easy and valid way to backup your computer flight information
in a personal log book
difference between operator and air operator
operator is the guy flying the plane
air operator is the guy flying the plane has the air operator certificate (AOC)
in regards to an air operator, who is a “principal”?
the principal is another person (accountable executive) that is in control of the air operator
what are examples of things part of the safety management system (SMS)
safety policy
proper training
process to ID hazards
accident reporting
safety reviews/audits
i’m leasing a plane but not registered as an owner. I cannot fly the plane UNLESS
the authorization is carried on board
certificate of registration must always be ______
on board the plane
i sold my plane and officially transferred legal custody and control to the new guy. how soon do i need to notify the minister and how do i do that?
notify the Minister in WRITING within 7 DAYS
aerodrome vs airport
aerodrome = registered area for arrival/departure of planes
airport = CERTIFIED aerodrome maintained to TC requirements
maneuvering area is
parts of the aerodrome for taxiing, takeoff and landing (runways and taxiways)
apron is
the area loading cargo, passengers, fueling and parking
movement area is
parts of the aerodrome used for surface movement of plane (manoeuvring area + apron)
runways are numbered by ____ baring
takeoff and landing area boundaries of aerodrome WITHOUT prepared runways have ______ markers
what do these cones look like at aerodromes and airports
highway organge cone markers
aerodrome = solid organe cone
airport = orange and white striped cones
are runway boundary markers required for every runway?
not required if you can clearly see the boundary between the pavement and grass
displaced threshold is a yellow line with arrows pointing towards it.
what are the rules for touchdown/takeoff, taxi, landing roll….
you can taxi here and have prolonged takeoff or landing roll
but it’s risky to land before or take off after the yellow displaced threshold because you might not clear obstacles at end of runway
recommended but not required
VFR can surpass this area using pilots judgement but IFR can NOT and mst stay within boundary
rules for takeoff/landing, taxi, landing rolll… for YELLOW CHEVRONS
do NOT taxi, land, roll or anything on this area because the ground under the yellow chevrons cannot support the weight of the plane (used as emergency stop)
plane should always hold short by ____ ft from the edge of the runway if there’s no hold short line
200 ft
what does it mean to ask ATC for “progressive taxi”
ATC gives you turn by turn instructions
every ____ KT wind, a new colour pops out
windsock flies horizontal in a wind of ___KT or more
at __ KT, hands 5º below horizontal
at __ KT it hands 30º below horizontal
turn on/off airport lights using your radio transmitter using ARCAL type J vs type K
type J: key mic 5 times within 5 sec
type K: key mic 3,5,7 times within 5 sec for low-high intensity
what is the standard circuit: ____ ft __ and ____ turns
1000 ft AGL and left turns
if you’re overflying an aerodrome be at least ______ in the air
2000 ft AGL
can’t act as crew member unless you have ____ and ____
personnel documents and medical certificate
to fly in canada, pilot must have a ____ license or ______ license
canadian license
foreign validadition license
medical certificate for RECREATIONAL permit or ultra light:
- can be signed by _______
- valid for ____ years if under 40 and valid for ___ years if older than 40
any doctor
5 years under 40
2 years over 40
medical certificate for PRIVATE permit
- can be signed by _______
- valid for ____ years if under 40 and valid for ___ years if older than 40
canadian aviation medical examiner
5 years under 40
2 years over 40
COMMERCIAL pilot medical certificate is valid for ___ if under 40 but valid for ____ over 40
1 year
6 months
in order to keep your license current and fly passengers you need to do 3 things
- fly within 5 years
- do a training session/seminar/study program
- complete 5 takeoff and landings every 6 months to carry passengers during day or night
if the pilot has not flown within 5 years, what do they need to do to keep their license
do a flight review with a flight instructor and pass the PSTAR
____ always needs clearance to enter all classes of controlled airspace
typical control zone height
surface to 3000 AGL unless otherwise specified
typical control area extension height
2200 ft AGL to 5200 ft AGL
what height does a transition area usually start at and what’s the typical radius
700 ft AGL
15 NM
which classes of airspace REQUIRE a transponder and which ones sometimes ask for one but not always
class A B C require a transponder
class D E may want one
what do you do if your transponder fails in flight
land at aerodrome that doesn’t require one
ask permission from ATC if you can still land there if its not busy
class G is ______ airspace
how do pilots communicate
max dimensions of airspace
general broadcast to other pilots nearby - 126.7 MHz
surface to 18000 ft
Class F airspace: advisory vs restricted
how to communicate with other pilots
types of advisory airspace
advisory = encouraged to avoid
restricted = do NOT enter without permission but just don’t
general broadcast 126.7 if nothing else published
military, parachute dropping, training, plane test area…
IFR vs VFR restrictions on Class F airspace
VFR can enter CYA but not CYR
IFR can NOT enter either CYA or CYR without permission
typical forest fire height and radius
surface to 3000 ft AGL with 5 NM radius
Class E:
VFR and IFR rules before entering - need to establish communication with ATC?
VFR must get a traffic advisory ____mins before entering
VFR pilots must maintain weather minimum of ___ NM visibility
VFR is not required to establish ATC communication unless mandatory frequency (MF) within a control zone
IFR always needs clearance to enter
3NM visibility
MF vs ATF (____ frequency)
MF = mandatory frequency
ATF = should have a radio but not mandatory
does class E require VFR and IFR clearance to enter
VFR class E: ATC will only acknowledge, not give you clearance to enter
IFR class E: mandatory ATC clearance
Class D airspace
need to establish communication with ATC
what two things does your plane need to be equipped with: ___ or ____
what is NORDO?
must establish 2 way communication with ATC (not clearance, just a alrighty dawg come on in - but if they stay silent don’t enter zone)
radio or transponder
if you don’t have radio equipment then call ATC before leaving to see if you can come in this area
Class C airspace
need communication with ATC?
plane must be equipped with ____ or ____
must get CLEARANCE before entering here
radio or transponder
Class B airspace
how involved is ATC?
plane must be equipped with
do you have to communicate with ATC before entering?
if you’re planning to fly through Class B airspace, what do you need to do before you depart?
height above sea level
ATC controls VFR and IFR
must get clearance
plane needs mode C transponder
file a flight plan (they’ll give you clearance here)
12 500 - 18 000 ft
can VFR fly in class A airspace
communication with ATC?
what does your plane need to fly here
no IFR only and you need clearance to be here and transponder
low level airway is ______ airspace from ______ to ____
VFR must maintain the weather minimums:
- ___ NM visibility
- ____ NM horizontally and ____ ft vertically from a cloud
2200 ft AGL to 18000 ft ASL!!!!!
- 3NM
- 1 NM horizontal and 500 ft vertical
low level VHF/UHF airway has a ___ NM radius on either side of centerline
this is class )_____ airspace
height minimum
4 NM
class E
starts at 2200 ft AGL
low level LF/MF airway
height minimum
4.34 NM
2200 ft AGL
low level T route airway
height minimum
class ___ airspace
where to find T route (map)
10 NM
2200 ft AGL
LO chart
low level airway vs air route
airway is controlled class E
air route is un controlled class G
low level air route height
surface to 18000 ft
pilot can request special VFR in a control zone when the weather sucks ass but the pilot must:
day vs night VFR can request special VFR for arrivals and departures?
- remain clear of cloud
- see the ground
- visibility of at least 1 SM
daytime = special VFR for arrival and departure
night = only special VFR for landing
CAR vs AIM for alcohol waiting before flying
CAR = do NOT fly within 12hrs of drinking
AIM = recommend waiting 24hr before flying
alcohol and hypoxia (altitude) are additive so beyond _____ ft, 1 drink feels like 2
6000 ft
if you’re flying over a city, the minimum distance you need to fly is ____ ft above the highest obstacle within a ____ ft horizontal distance
1000 ft vertical
2000 ft horizontal
if you’re flying over the prairies and happen to see one person walking their dog in a wide open field , the minimum distance you need to fly over them is ____ ft
500 ft
if you’re flying over a national park, minimum distance you need to fly over is _____ ft
2000 ft
order these people into having the most to least right of way: glider, cessna, balloon, blimp
based on their…..
balloon, glider, blimp, cessna
ability to maneuver
if two cessnas are flying head on, each pilot should alter their heading how
to the right
plane A is overtaking plane B, which one has the right of way and which way does plane A change their heading to overtake
plane B has right of way
plane A passes to the right
two planes want to land. plane A is 3000ft and plane B is 2000 ft. which has the right of way
plane B because lower altitude
plane A is wants to takeoff and plane B wants to land, which has the right of way
if you want your plane to tow an object, what must it be equipped with
tow hook and release control system
i want to do formation flight, who do i need to get the all clear from
other pilots and ATC
my passengers want to parachute, where can i NOT drop them off
control zone
over a city/built up area
over a crowd of people
don’t do aerobatic maneuvers when
over a city
over a crowd of people
in controlled airspace without SFOC
visibility less than 3 NM
below 2000 ft AGL without SFOC
don’t fly faster than ____ KIAS below 10 000 ft
250 KT
don’t fly faster than ____ KIAS below 3 000 ft AGL within ___ NM of a controlled airport without clearance
200 KT
10 NM
can i fly faster than Mach 1?
the cruising altitude you chose depends on
cruising tracks start at ____ ft AGL
your magnetic track in SDA or true track in NDA
3000 ft AGL
what do i set my altimeter to in NDA and SDA
NDA = 29.92
SDA = check local station/FIC/elevation when below 18 000 ft ASL
sterile flight deck rules occur during ____ phases of flight
takeoff, landing, approach, taxi, flight below 10 000 ft except during cruise
survival equipment is NOT required on board when flying
within 25 NM of home base
must have life preservers or floatation devices when
you can’t reach shore when you have an engine failure (gliding)
or over 50 NM from shore
planes must carry a life RAFT if plane flies ____ NM from emergency landing site or if you’re ____ mins away
100 NM
30 mins
you must file a flight plan or itinerary if you’re flying more than ___ NM from home base
25 NM
you can file your flight plan _____ to ____ in advance
30 min to 24hr
when does SAR begin for a flight plan vs itinerary (standard)
flight plan = 1hr after expired time
flight itinerary = 24hr after expired time
you’re filling in your flight plan and need to write endurance time. how do you write ENDURANCE TIME in a flight plan
in hours and minutes
when should you file your arrival report on a flight plan vs itinerary
flight plan = within 1 hr
flight itinerary - within 24 hr
because SAR will start after that
fuel requirements for VFR day and night
VFR day: need enough to fly to desination aerodrome + 30mins reserve at normal cruising speed
VFR night: destination + 45 mins reserve fuel
fuel requirements for IFR fixed wing propeller vs turbojet
IFR fixed wing: destination + alternate + 45 mins
IFR turbojet: destination + alternate + 30 mins
reserve vs contingency fuel
reserve = unforseeable emergency
contingency = extra fuel for forseeable issues , what can be planned for (weather, traffic…)
if i’m flying to another country i must file a _____ flight plan
AROWJIL acronym
A = certificate of airworthiness
R = registration certificate
W = weight and balance report
J = journey log book
I = insurance
L = licences
certificate of airworthiness:
- plane must be flown by who
- does it expire?
- how does it become invalid?
- if there’s an airworthiness defect (AD) what must you do to make it airworthy again
- flight authority (TC certified)
- no expire
- invalid if flown outside of POH and weight and balance
- fix and recertified by A.M.E
what is an AAIR and what does it tell TC
annual airworthiness information report
how many hours the plane has flown
certificate of registration
- information
- if there’s a change, how soon must you notify TC
- must have the name of the person actually flying the plane (owner or lessee)
- registration, serial number, owner info, SPECIFIC PURPOSE (private or commercial)
- 7 days
weight and balance report gives planes ______
basic empty weight
journey log book must be kept for ___ (time) after last entry
1 year
inspections on a plane is done based on _____
3 types of insurance and which one is always mandatory
public liability - if you crash into a hanger (always mandatory)
passenger liability
hull insurance. - plane damage
personal licences you must always have while flying
pilot license
radio operator certificate