PSTAR Flashcards
there are two converging planes perpendicular to each other. which one has the right of way?
the one to the right
what is the order of priority/right of way for series of air things
power-driven plane
two planes approaching head on. how do avoid?
alter heading to the right
two planes are on approach at the same time but are at different altitudes. whih one has the right of way?
the one with lower altitude
all float planes must follow what act
aeronautics act (boat rules)
uh oh, your radio dies while at a controlled airport. what do you do to get their attention to get light signals?
circle the tower 500 ft above circuit altitude and wait for light signals from the tower
what does a steady green signal mean when you’re in the AIR?
cleared to land
what does a flashing green signal mean when you’re in the AIR?
return for landing
what does a steady red signal mean when you’re in the AIR?
continue circling
what does a flashing red signal mean when you’re in the AIR?
airport unsafe
what does red fireworks signal mean when you’re in the AIR?
don’t land for the time being (military)
how do you acknowledge clearances during the day vs night
day = rock the wings
night = single flash of landing light
what does a steady green signal mean when you’re on the GROUND?
cleared for takeoff
what does a flashing green signal mean when you’re on the GROUND?
cleared for taxi
what does a steady red signal mean when you’re on the GROUND?
what does a flashing red signal mean when you’re on the GROUND?
you taxied onto runway, get back to taxiway
what does a flashing white signal mean when you’re on the GROUND?
return to staring point on airport because of emergency
what does a blinking runway lights signal mean when you’re on the GROUND?
leave runway immediately
how high above farms or national parks must i fly
above 2000 ft AGL
aerodrome vs airport
aerodrome - registered
airport = certified aerodrome maintained to TC requirements
every stripe on a windsock is ___ KT wind
runway numbers face _____ baring
hold short line looks like
double yellow
if there’s no hold short line, how far back must you wait from the runway
200 ft
if you’re flying over an aerodrome (not to land) how far above it must you pass
2000 ft AGL
maneuvering area consists of
planes where plane is moving (taxiway and runway)
apron consists of
loading and unloading of passengers and fuel
you must always repeat ______ clearances
hold short
emergency frequency
FISE frequencies
no base station, use _____ MHz
123.2 MHz
if unspecified, the MF area is what dimensions
5NM and 3000 AAE
what area does ATC ground control ?
what area does ATC tower control
runways and immediate airspace above aerodrome
what does ATC terminal or VFR advisory control
directs VFR planes in airspace surrounding large airports
what does ATC center control?
IFR enroute traffic and VFR flight following between airports
which types of control zones have a tower
class E control zones don’t have a tower. what do they have instead?
FSS that controls veichle traffic
a pilot in class E or non-towered CZ must report their position when:
before entering CZ
on downwind
on final
when clear of runway
if you’re in uncontrolled airspace, what frequencys do you monitor while flying
and if you have two radios also 121.5 (emergency)
what is the format for a distress call
position, altitude, type of plane, nature of emergency and intended action
what’s the call sign for urgency call
pan pan x3
how to cancel a distress call
mayday x3
all stations x3
silence finished
what is the scale of readability of a radio transmission
number x number
first number is strengeth
second is readability
what documents must i have on my plane before i fly
weight and balance
journey log
minimum day VFR equipment list
magnetic compass
airspeed indicator
engine gauges (tach, oil pressure, temp, fuel gauge)
minimum night VFR equipment requirements
MAATE + ….
turn coordinator
gyro heading indicator
way to light up instruments (flash light)
navigation lights
anti collision lights
landing light
must have ____ to fly with passengers
landing light
must have survival equipment if flying
more than 25 NM from base
minimum survival equipment
way to signal distress
purifying water
start a fire
first aid kit
oxygen requirements: above 13000 ASL
oxygen requirements: 10 000 to 13 000 ASL for LESS than 30 mins
no oxygen needed
oxygen requirements: 10 000 to 13 000 ASL for LONGER than 30 mins
need oxygen
i’m flying over water farther than my gliding distance if engine failure. what do i need?
a life preserver for each passenger
to remain VFR in circuit, i need _____ NM visibility and at least ____ ft below cloud base
3 NM
500 ft below cloud
i’m a NORDO plane and want to pass over aerodrome to plan my landing, how high must i fly
500 ft above circuit height
use transponder code 1200 when you’re
VFR traffic below 12 500 ft
use transponder code 1400 when you’re
VFR traffic above 12 500 ft
use transponder code 7500 when you’re
use transponder code 7600 when you’re
coms failure
use transponder code 7700 when you’re
change of 100 RPM is approx a change of __ KT airspeed
when do planes have the strongest wake turbulence
heavy and slow (takeoff)
what is the dimensions of wake turbulence
2 wingspan width x 1 wingspan depth
vortices go below and behind the plane at _____ ft per minute
400-500 fpm
on a windy day, vortices break up _____ whereas on a stable day, vortices break up ____
your medical certificate is valid based on your _____ date
EXAM date
(not the issue date)
your medical is valid for ____ years if under 40
your medical is valid for ____ years if over 40
2 yrs
what is hypoxia, what are symptoms, what gets impaired first, what can cause hypoxia to get worse
hypoxia = not enough O2 in blood stream
euphoria, slow reaction time, unconscious
why can’t you fly when you have a cold
nose/ear blocked so when descending air is contracting and you can burst an eardrum
after non-decompression dives, avoid flights _____ (height) for ___ (time)
below 8000 ASL for 12h
after dives with decompression stops, avoid flights below _____(height) for ____ (time)
8000 ASL
after scuba diving, how long should you avoid flights above 8000 ASL
don’t fly if you donated blood within
don’t fly if you drank alcohol within
if you had a local anesthesic, don’t fly for
if you had general anesthetic, don’t fly for
until cleared by aviation doctor
minimum fuel requirements for day VFR
need extra 30 min of reserve fuel at normal cruise
minimum fuel requirements for night VFR
extra 45 mins of reserve fuel at normal cruise
flight itinerary vs flight plan
itinerary = filed with FSS or responsible person, they report to SAR if overdue, sar starts 24h after arrival time
plan = filed with FIC, must do arrival report within 60mins to ATS because sar starts 1h overdue
acknowledge clearance with
call sign
ELT senses a _______ and will emit a siren on ___ MHz
121.5 or 245 MHz
can only test an ELT when?
within first 5 mins of hour for 5 sec max
can fly without an ELT within ____ days of removal, provided that you do what
30 days
remove ELT at aerodrome that can repair it
ELT sent to repair
placard that says “no elt here” with date
what is the idle blast area and takeoff thrust area for a jumbo jet
idle blast = 600 ft
takeoff thrust = 1600 ft
what is the idle blast area and takeoff thrust area for a medium jet
idle blast = 450 ft
takeoff thrust = 1200 ft
what is the idle blast area and takeoff thrust area for a small jet
idle blast = 200 ft
takeoff thrust = 500 ft
behind the propellers of a large turboprop plane during taxi, you can expect ___ KT of wind up to____ ft behind the plane
45 KT
60 ft
what is VDF
VHF direction finding
using the radio to get you un-lost
low level airspace vs high level airspace
low level = up to 17 999 ft ASL
high level = 18 000 ft and above all
what are the lower and upper limits of southern control area (high level airspace)
FL 180 to FL 600
what are the lower and upper limits of northern control area (high level airspace)
FL 230 to FL 600
what are the lower and upper limits of arctic control area (high level airspace)
FL 270 to FL 600
what is important to know about ADIZ (air defense id zone)
must have a flight plan before entering
must enter zone within 20 NM of planned route and within +/- 5 mins of ETA
what are my potential cruising altitudes when i’m flying a track of 110º
what is my potential cruising altitudes if my track is 240º
flying under 10 000 ASL, what’s the speed limit
250 KT
what’s the speed limit when flying within 10 NM and 3000 AGL of a controlled airport
200 KT
what is the minimum flight visibility and cloud separations of: uncontrolled airspace higher than 1000 ft
1 mile DAY
3 miles night
500 ft below cloud
2000 ft from clouds
what is the minimum flight visibility and cloud separations of: uncontrolled airspace BELOW 1000 ft
2 miles day
3 miles night
clear of cloud
what is the minimum flight visibility and cloud separations of: controlled airspace
3 miles day and night
500 below cloud
1 mile horizontal
500 ft above ground in control zone
what is the minimum flight visibility and cloud separations of: special VFR
1 mile visibility
clear of cloud
within sight of earth surface
minimum altitude of rural area
500 ft
minimum altitude of built up area
1000 ft above or 2000 ft horizontally from tallest object
who can request to see your licences
the minister
peace officers
immigration officers
i want to do aerobatic maneuvers, what do i need
flight operations certificate
VHF/UHF airways:
- based on what
- radius
- height ASL
based on 2 VORs
4 NM radius
2200 to 18 000 ASL
LF/MF airways:
- based on what
- radius
based on NDBs (old)
4.34 NM radius
T/F: all planes are controlled in a low level airway
IFR always controlled
VFR not but you can request controlled VFR
must report all accidents and incidents to Transportaion Safety Board within ___ (tine)
a new or replacing NOTAM without the term “EST” or “aprx” is valid…
until the time quoted in the NOTAM
a NOTAM with the term “EST” or “APRX” is valid…
until a cancelling NOTAM is issued
after a plane made contact with ATS, what items can be omitted from subsequent transmissions?
aircraft type and the first two letters of the registration if initiated by ATS
how many landings at night within ____ months to be able to carry passengers at night
5 takeoff and 5 landings within 6 months
how is an infant defined by CARs
under 2 yrs
no pilot shall takeoff from or land at an aerodrome at night unless…
the aerodrome is lighted as prescribed by the Minister
when the ceiling is 1000 ft overcast and visibility is 3 miles, to remain VFR, the plane must join the circuit at what height
500 ft below cloud base
if i have a student pilot permit, i can only act as PIC by day only and _________
authorized by a supervising flight instructor
a helicopter in uncontrolled airspace at less than 1000 ft AGL may operate during the day in flight visibility no less than
1 mile
the selection of cruising altitude is based on your
magnetic track
SVFR for helicopters in control zones have a visibility minimum of
1/2 mile
what do i do when there’s an engine failure on the ground?
flaps retract
mixture ICO
turn off mags and master switch
what to do when engine failure on takeoff
mixture ICO
fuel selector off
mags off
master switch off
what to do when engine failure during cruise
airspeed 80
select landing site
engine - check no fire
check for cause:
mixture rich
fuel selector both
mags each, then both
primer locked
throttle idle
attempt restart
radio call mayday
brief passengers
what to do when have a wing fire
turn off navigation lights, strobe lights and pitot heat
if there’s an engine fire on start, what do you do?
continue cranking starter
if engine starts: throttle 1700 for 2 mins, then shutdown and inspect
if engine doesn’t start:
throttle full
mixture ICO
continue cranking starter
engine secure (fuel selector off, master switch off, mags off)
if there’s a cabin fire, what do you do
master switch off
close all vents/cabin air/heat
use fire extinguisher
what to do when theer’s an engine fire in flight
mixture ICO
fuel selector off
master switch off
close cabin heat and air
open overhead vents
airspeed +100KT
what to do when there’s an electrical fire in flight
master switch off
all other switches off
close all cabin air/vents/heat
use fire extinguisher