Unit 3 Flashcards
. His ethical and political theory is all about avoiding the “war of all against all” of a hypothetical state of nature, and persuading us to accept a minimal morality that is necessary for civil peace.
Thomas Hobbes
Author of Leviathan
Thomas Hobbes
Premise of Leviathan
- Morality is derived from the Social Contract and then enforced by a sovereign power
- In a State of Nature lacking a common power or government, everything would be permitted, there would be no right or wrong, no natural conscience.
- Equality of Vulnerability
Criticism of Hobbes
Human beings are a species of primate, so we’ve been social creatures since before we evolved into humans. We may be self-interested (in the uninteresting sense that our desires are always our own), but most of us care about others to some extent
State of Nature
War of all against all
Premise of utilitarian theory
Utilitarian theory is happiness-based and consequentialist. It holds the ethics is about promoting happiness, and we should give equal consideration to the happiness of all.
Who developed utilitarianism
Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill
Australian applied ethicist and defender of animal rights.
Peter Singer
Utilitarianism is the ultimate in single principle and foundational approaches to ethics.
Greatest Happiness Principle (GHP)
Hedonist Utilitarianism
Maximize pleasure
Bentham was hedonist
Pluralist utilitarianism
Promote human flourishing
Preference Utilitarianism
Satisfy Desire
Act Utilitarianism
Thou shalt maximize utility
Rule (Indirect) Utilitarianism
Morality based on duty
Accused of rule worship by Utilitarians
Categorical Imperative
“Never act except in such a way that I can also will that my maxim should become a universal law” (Kant, 1785). In other words, the maxim of my action should be Universalizable.
2nd formulation of categorical imperative
Kant says we must “treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of another, always at the same time as an end and never simply as a means.
Founder of pluralistic deontology
W.D. Ross
Prima Facie Duties
acts that would be one’s duty unless overridden by more important moral obligation.
7 Prima Facie Duties
Fidelity, Reparation, Gratitude, Justice, Beneficence, Self-improvemt and Non-maleficence