Unit 10 Flashcards
Rosalie Abella
Defining Equality in Employment (four senses of equality in employment)
Four senses of equality in employment
Non-Discrimination - the most basic step is simply to outlaw discrimination in employment and allow victims to bring suit.
Economic, Social, Political, and Educational Equality - provide opportunities for all through good social programs (quality public education, affordable college and university tuition, job training, programs for children in poverty, etc).
Meeting Special Needs - technical supports for the disabled, language programs for immigrants, child-care and part-time options for parents (generally mothers). Like 2, this promotes quality of opportunity. You help the disadvantaged overcome barriers that get in the way of them competing for jobs.
Quota Laws, Reverse Discrimination - the most extreme and controversial step.
opposition to anti-discrimination laws
ibertarian advocates of a free market, who believe that employers should have the right to hire who they want without interference from the state
Thomas Nagel
A Defense of Affirmative Action
Weak Sense Affirmative Action
special efforts to ensure equal opportunity, such as public advertisement of positions, active recruitment of a designated minority, or special training programs.
Strong Sense Affirmative Action
definite preference for designated minority over other candidates who are better qualified.
Compensatory Justice Argument
group or collective justice, suggesting that because members of Group A discriminated against Group B in the past, that today members of Group B today should be compensated through reverse discrimination at Group A’s expense.
Equal Results Argument
appeals to distributive justice
Assumption that statistical under-representation of a certain group in a field is prima facie evidence of discrimination. In other words, if things were fair there would be equal results.
Louis Pojman
The Moral Status of Affirmative Action (against affirmative acction)
Arguments against Affirmative Action
Reverse Discrimination is Morally Self-Contradictory
Reverse Discrimination is Unjust
The Designation of “Victim Groups” to receive Preferential Treatment is Arbitrary
Utility - The Negative Impact of Reverse Discrimination
Pay Equality
Equal Pay for Equal Work
Pay Equity
Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value
Pay Gap
the average difference in earnings between women and men employed full time
Sexual Harassment
bothering someone is a sexual way.
Quid Pro Quo
- literally means something is given in return for something else.
Hostile Environment
- unwelcome sexual conduct which poisons the victim’s work environment
Sexual Favouritism
supervisor rewards those employees who submit to sexual demands.
sex partition
a barrier between the sexes at work
Kim Elsesser,
author of Sex and the Office