Unit 2: Module 4.3 Politics Flashcards
Political Anthropology
Study of how people take action, decide, lead, empower and resolve conflict within a group. How power is constructed, maintained or contested.
Ability or potential to bring about change through action or influence (ability to get things done)
Small loosely organized groups, egalitarian, situational leaders, input of all members
Multi-band population, common ancestor, horticulture and pastoralism, similar lifestyle language, know each other, leader headman resolves conflict.
Leader of tribe power comes from influence, don’t have any real power. Redistribute goods and resolve conflicts.
Some hierarchy, several tribes, formal leadership roles chiefs (born into) have authority but no coercive power(army), Power comes from personality and respect.
Centralized, bureaucratic structure, coercive power (use of force), secondary social organizations (not everyone knows each other), cities, large populations, specialized jobs, not dependent on kinship, establish monopoly, standing armies, police force, institutions, legal systems, power, borders
4 basic political systems: bands, tribes, chiefdoms and states
Mass incarceration in US (people in prison) other countries do not. Way we deal with people outside norms/ break laws.
Contested social process a society organizes the production of military violence.
Mead and militarization
Argues that war is not innate and is invented, learned and constructed by people.
Wars are not isolated conflicts, supported by world networks providing lots of money and resources. “Business of war” global operation.
The potential power of individual and groups to effect change or contest the structures, practices, or values that create hegemonic power.
Social Movements
Group of people who work together for a common purpose. Ex:protests, activism. Occupy wall street
Civil Society
Grouping of private individuals around a common goal, doesn’t have to be political. Develop trust between citizens and maintain society. Includes the media.
Ex: Non governmental organizations NGOS research and influence policy.
Three spheres of society
Government sphere (institutions, education, health care etc.), private sphere (companies, corporations) civil society (groups with common goal)
Jeffrey Juris
Social movements rely on virtual and physical components and compelling slogans