Unit 2 lecture 8 Flashcards
What was people view on government being more involved in people lives?
They believed that the government should only get involved in people lives only to win the war
New Deal’s “Offical” closed
New deal programs began to shut down since people were having jobs due to the demand for labor & war production increasing
Second Bill of Rights
FDR plan for new federal social welfare programs, which it would guarnte that people will have jobs, food, clothes, etc (Congres didnt like the idea)
Public was ______ FDR pushed for a social welfare programs but congress wasnt
Servicemen readjacement Act of 1944- GI bill of rights
Brought more educations, medical care, pensions, etc for the american people which resulted in more opporunties for the average american
Harry Truman
Was the democratic vice president candiate since FDR was sick & truman had the somewhat of the same values if he was to replace FDR
People werre unhappy with government regulation of ______ but they made sacrafices for the war
What were some things people did to help the war effort
Made a civilan defense committes, rationing boards , recyling, victory garden - which were garden people would grow inn their yard to help rationing food (Was seen as patrotic if you had one)
Office of war information (OWI)
Progranda machine that encouraged people to grow victory gardens & gave news on the war & promoted patritoism
Hollywood made _______ films
Patriotic films like “Why we fight” to inspire people to further the war effort, & the movies focuesed on the homefront & individual scarfices by the people
Wartime prosperity
People wages were doubling & making more money
________ were american biggest problem
Office of price adminstration
Dicated consumer spendings, eating/ rationing, impacted society on how it operated, etc
_________ was the state most affected by migration for the war
_______ dicated where people lived, military station, defense jobs
Government & there were racial tension between african americans & white people even more
Zoot suits riots
Riots against zoot suits which were young mexicans who were in gangs in california & they were seen as bad kids