Unit 1 lecture 3 Flashcards
Margaret Sanger
Was a nurse & seen giving birth out of control (People having like 10 kids) & tried to slow it down
_______ couldnt escape the urban core (like the small twon like china town) (couldnt escape the poverty)
Urban Dweller (housing became more expensive)
What was the tallest building in New York City in 1913?
Woolworth building
Middle class reformers
Wanted to be educate & do good things in the world
What occured in youth culture?
Courtship where there was a change in dating style like parent watching over their kids dates more often
Social Settlement movement
Began in england & seeked to imporve living for middle class
Low Brow Culture
Partcipated in county island, movies, etc
Was a form of enterainment that include dancer & etc, & people hours began to drop & work spend tim ein parks & amesuments parks for their leisures
What happened in Modern Cities
Shift from agrarian / rural to industrial/urban & became center of experimention like different culters, soical groups, politics, etc
What did Electricity allow more of?
Allowed the shift from gaslight to eletricity in 1870s, allowed more lighting & elevators, etc
New York Tenement Hosuing Act of 1901
Was to improve life in housing
What are instant cities?
Cities that pop up over night due to techonological advancements& industries there
Were kickbacks
Civil service reform wanted what?
Wanted skilled people for skilled jobs
Became know for skyscrapers & the chicago school was one of them which was led by artecht louis H. sullivan
ALerman were the highest they picked the ward boss & the precint captain
Who rules the way NYC operated during this time
Triangle shirtwaste fire
Fire that was tied to a strike in NYC because people were being paid bad
Progessive reform
Was the movement from service reform & fought for public health initatives like more sanitations in modern sewage, drainage system, etc & foguth for food & drug regulations in 1906
Progessive reformers also pushed for what?
City parks & play grounds, wanted city parks to inspire low class, pushed for the end of prostitution (Also called “white slavery”) & red light cities’districts with illegal bars prostitutions, etc
George Washington Plunkitt
More famous member of the politcal machine in NYC (Called something “Honest Graft” which was like inside trading)
High Brow Culture
Particpated in things like art musemums, opera, etc
How were urban housing like?
Cramped & in a dumbell shape with poor lighting & air ventilation
Became more common & where techonogical innovations & were made of steel
Cornstock Law
Said couldnt put anything obscene in people mail (things that told you when not to have sex or to use condoms, how to have a family, etc)
Intecullutal groups like feminst, gays, etc
Urban refomers were mostly _______
Middle Class