Unit 2 Lecture 3 Flashcards
Who was the leader of the CPI ?
George Creel
What was the role of the CPI?
Had to get the public to support the war effort, they also had people spy on their neighbors
What two acts gave the government power to crack down on people who had a different opinion on what it means to be american?
Espionage Act of 1917
Sedition Act of 1918
Sedition Act of 1918
Outlawed disloyal / abusive langauge against the government, constitution, the flag or the military uniform
100% American
The campaign that cause people to last out against people who they thought were enemies
What was the ruling in the supreme court case schenck vs U.S?
That the 1st amendment could be restricted or limited
What happened in the year of 1919?
Year of labor unrest/ strike waves
What did african american men & women do during WW1?
Men joined the military & woman groups collecting for the red cross, etc trying to promoted unity for the war effort
What did African American believe they were fighting for?
For freedom abroad
African American Men were allowed to vote where?
Chicago, new york, pittsburgh, etc
1920 was consider the _______
1st modern decade & the ecomoy was booming
American look back to earlier time period on how _______ it was back then & how theres so much ________ for the future
Stable, Uncertainity ( Cause of the war)
Buying on credit became more of a thing which was what?
Basically buy now pay later (credit)
Things like cars, movies, telephones, etc became more _______ to people
There was a shift from a culture of ______ to a culture of ______
Character, personality (Your values were the same as celebraties)
_______ became a hotspot for people to hangout at
______ was the heart of change in the 1920 which impacted many families & society
What was basically the memo for the decade of 1920?
Work hard, play hard
Since alcohol was banned what did it bring?
Night clubs, flappers, the black market, etc
Was a culture shift in america where it was _______ vs _________
Old values vs new values (old values cared about what teacher, etc had to say & new value cared about what celebraties had to say)
America began to become more _____ througout the nation
_______ was as important as work
Lesiure ( people wanted to relax just as much as they worked)
Loss of old values
Loss of community & togetherness (Culture of character vs culture of personality became a thing)
Morality wars
Were debates on which cutlure (old or new) was more important (controlled)
_________ / ______ were designed to limit southern immigrants like italian, polish, etc
Immigration restrictions / immigration laws
How did navist (native born whites) see the war
A way to stop immigration to the U.S.
Limited jewish people from a lot of places like work, school, etc
New KKK clan
Was well known & went after immirgatns of all types & believed in the prohibtion & women’s right to vote
Fundemental Revolts
Poeple trying ot bring back old values & emphazies the bible
Scopes mokey trial 1925 (Science vs relgion)
Was a trial about a teacher who taught about evolution when he wasn’t supposed to (old values vs new values)
Prohibition brought moral legislation which did what?
Brought the government more involved into people lives
_________ was in charge of stopping illlegal alcohol
Treasury Deparment
What were stills?
Illegal alcohol
What were speakeasies?
Legal bars that sold alcohol & some were night clubs
New negro- by alan locke
Was a black man that had a sense of confidence that translated to political & intellectual activities
W.E.B. Du bouis
Him & others were trying to get an anti-lyching law & fight for change
Marus Gorvery
Promoted african american to be proud to be black
Universal negro improvement association (UNIA)
Promotes african american politcal & economic independence from white society
UNIA started the black starline which was what?
Shipping company that help people return to Africa
What was the double consciousness?
A painting about being black & American (Was created by an African american artist) which put an emphazies on african american culture from slavery & so on, advocated democracy through his painting, etc