Unit 2 Lecture 6 Flashcards
The New deal did what?
Put people back to work & made them feel like they was contributing to society
New deal project also helped ________, __________, etc
Artist, Authors, Etc & movies & radios became more popular
National & Regional emphasis on the ________ & ________ was shown in art, photographs, etc
Common Man & The human experience, where people’s art showed the life of everyday people & how things were during that time period
Federal Arts Project
New deal financially supported artist
Public Art centers
Were founded by the government which allowed artist to continue being artists
Federal Writters Project
Documenting the human experiences of everyone from labor workers to white collar jobs & it was told in guidebooks, folks songs, slave nareatives, etc
________ & ________ became more common because of the new deal arts programs
Chorales & Orchestras (Also government paid music teacher to give free lessons)
Social Realist Photography
Photographers documenting / taking pictures that showed the reality of everyday people’s lives
Woody guthric
Was a country singer who wrote songs about argitcultural & also wrote the song “This is your land”
1935 National labor relations act (Wagner Act)
Was used to helped unions grow & give people the right to organize unions, out lawed unfair labor practices (like companies blacklisting labor workers)
What were the two problems the Wanger Act solved?
- Wage Stagnation
- Underconsumption
National Labor Relation Board
Listened & resolved unions problems & etc
Industrial Democracy
Collective bargging allowed everyone (labors) to be treated equally
Corporates hates ___________
The wagner Act
What was the view about unions ?
That they create community & participating culture
Congress of industrial organization (CIO)
Was a unionism that had multiple industries within one & was created by John L. Lewis & Syndey Hillman & they created it because the AFL didnt want to follow the wagner act since it allowed for unskilled immigrants into the union
Government stay out of _________ debate & allowed them to do their jobs
________ supported the working man & women (unions) & unions favored them
Wildcats strikes/ sit -down strikes
Labors were tried of their problems not being heard so they began to just stop working in the middle of the day & sit down to protest
1937 supreme court says the wagner act is ________
African Americans also supported __________
CIO organized industries like ________ & unionism began to grow in the 1937s
Steel, auto companies, etc