Unit 1 Lecture 1 Flashcards
_________ experienced push & pull factors, which led to the massive immgrations
________ wrote the Gosphel of wealth
Andrew cargenie, which talked about his philosphy about how to handle wealth
Push factor
Things like natural disaters that forced immigranst to move to a new place
Were the good like good working hours, better wages , etc
What happened to railroad worker who was involved in the railroad strike?
They were blacklisted- they couldnt work for any railroad company in america)
________was an organaztion mostly made of white man & didnt do open membership & was a trade union
American Federation of labor (AFL), who also particapte in the philopshy of pure & simple unionism”, “closed shop” - which meant eveeryone had to be part of a union, & collective bargining
Aviodence of alocholic drinks
What were the major island for migrants
Ellis island
Knight of labor wanted to transform U.S into a ______ & also believed in temperance
Corporative common wealth - means workers would own factories that they worked for (wanted workers to have more control over their work instead of their superviors controling them)
Major Migration was seen how in america?
African Americans & others moving out the south to urban areas as a result in rise in corporation & they experienced racism & segreatition(mostly with african americans) (occured mostly after WW1) & oversea immgration as people left their country to come live in the U.S.
Meant workers only limited by their craft
What were some forms of discrimination against immigrnats
1896 literacy act
1924 immigratition restriction act
Immigration restriction league
What groups of immgriants were most known as “Birds of passage”
Mexicans & Italtian they were people would come to U.S. & work only during the season & once the work season was over they would go back to where they came from
What was the turning point in labor for north america ?
Great railroad strike of 1877, where people protest over the low & horrible work conditions within railroads
What is trust
It was developed by John D. Rockefeller where business owners created a board of trustees where they hold stocks & manage stocks within the company & and was a result from horizontal integration
During the era of america industrial powerhouse we began to more _______ which produce techonlogy, skilled craftsman, iron puddlers, etc
Industrial Revolution
Frederick winslow taylor
Associated with tayolrism & he went into factories to see how they performed
Andrew Cargnie was mostly known for what?
Steel where he particpated in vertical intergration & predictaory pricing (making goods at low cost to drive out the competiton) & Corporate investments back into his companies
What did the immigration restriction league belive?
That immigrants would pillute bloodstream of americans)
Social Lines & kinship
Someone from a small foregin town move to U.S. & gets a job and better life & invited people from their home town to come to U.S.
As america became an industrial powerhouse we became known as what?
Consumer Society
Blue collar work experience ______, & as more deskilled worker became common & kids working in factories there was _______
Low pay & concern for child labor
America Became _____ which led to people lives changing in big or small ways like people having electricty, grocery stores becoming a common thing, etc
Global Industrial Powerhouse
Who was the leader of knights of labor
Terrene V. Powderly
Urban Areas
Neighborhhoods divided by ethicincity & region ( experienced hardlife & factory jobs)
Labor Unions were what?
A collective action
________ allowed for production of new good & ______ brought those goods into market
Factories & transportation, railroads
Pull factors
Empolymenet & seek for better life that made immgrants want to move
1871-1910 was major time period for what?
Period of mass & global immgration
During the america indtustrial powerhouse era we seen a ___________ where techonolgy broguht efficiency, railroads brought goods to markets, etc
Rise in Corporation
What were some things that people fought for in the great railroad strike?
Railorads were dangerous & low wages, was harsh in pittsburgh
Instituions buildings, schools, churches, newspapers, etc were a way for immigrants to do what?
Socialize with each other
_________ was formed as a secret society that did open membership & believe workers should have some control of what they do
Knight of labor
What is white collar work?
Men were clerks, accountants, managers, etc & women were typist, switchboard operators, etc
John D. Rockefeller was known for what?
Standard oil company, developed horizontal integration(where he merge his companyies with others) which delveloped “trust”
Anarchist bombing occured where?
In Haymarket square in may 1886
Time work-discpline
Hiring more deskilled people to do specialized task & they work for a certain amount of hours & was signaled by starting & stoping bells by their superviors
Collective bargain
Union management neogiating with the company on the behalf of workers
Workers loss control over their labor ( could be replace very easily) & factories could discret certains jobs and hire more poeple for lower wages to be more efficent
________ Showed discrimintation against new immigrants
Native born whites (those who were born in U.S for many generations)
What occured within blue collar work?
Was a shift from autonmous skilled craftsmen to deskilled supervissed laborer, seen more mass production with assembly line & workplace tension
__________ was a type of newly developed technology that changed the way metal was produced & helped create steel
Bessemer Furance