Unit 1 Lecture 2 Flashcards
What was the victorian era?
Was emphasize for domesticity & seperate spheres (Was also named after Queen Victoria)
Theodore Roosevelt veiw on masculinty & sports?
He believe pro athletes couldnt make good citizens and that the ameratur athlete was a good citizen & that amertur sports built character & etc
What were some arguements for alcohol?
Diverse ethicity based beliefs, saloon culture became a meeting place for people, etc
In seperate sphere men were found where?
In public spheres like holding jobs, running for leaderships, etc)
Prohibtion Party & Anti -Soloon League
Seeked to create a nation wide ban on alcohol
Morrill Land grant College Act
Began to see more of public colleges (like penn state, ohio states, etc)
_________ brought various reglions
Immigration (Like catholics, jews, gosphel, etc)
Municipal Housekeeping (Public maternalism)
Taking the idea that woman should care for their family them applying it to the world (Everyone treted equal & cleaning cities, etc )
Jack London
Naturalist writer (Man Vs Nature)
In seperate spheres woman were found where?
In private spheres like taking care of their home & raising kids)
William Graham Sumner
Reinforced the idea that white people were the fittest & wrote “The forgotten man” which talked about class structure
_______ began to become a pathway for a better life for women so they dont have to just be housewives or depend on their husbands
Henry Ward beecher
Believed education & religion can coexist
Woman Suffrage Movement
Woman Striving for the right to vote, the national woman suffrage assoication (NAWSA) was developed, & woman was rights to vote in various states on different levels
Woman Clubs
Taking domestic idea & applying it to the public (woman took care of the public & not just themselves)
Women Christan Temperance Union (WCTU) 1874
Wanted to get woman more involeved in their communities & in politics
Who was one of the biggest in WCTU
Francis Willand
John Murr
Early Environmentalist
Elizabeth Kature Stant
Wrote solutide of self & wanted woman to be more self relianent
Herbert Spencer
Sociologist who helped excuse class divison by making agruments that white wealthy men are at the top bc they are the fittest
________ & ______ became a big thing in sports
Baseball (1876 national league) & football
Social Darwinism
Became a tool for oppersion (Belief that whites were the fitest)
Women in the victorian era tried to asseted themselves more into ______
Public spheres
What did catharine beecher defined the middle class woman as?
Moral Compass of the house
What happened to literature & art in the 1920s
Shift from romance to realism
Temperance Movment
Advocated abstance from alcohol believed it caused proverty, dometic violence, job loss, etc
Right to live one’s life free of male dominated societal constraints, to be one’s own person, free, & complete personal development
Literal interpection of the bible
________ began to more of a norm
Modern public schools & compulsory school movement where kids had to go to school
In the victorian era woman began to shift from to __________
Companionate marriage (marry people who they like) & family sizes began to shrink after the civil war
Ensured that the “better class” remained strong
Catharine Beecher
Was a writer & wrote what woman roles should be, she also focuses on the christian family
Susan B. Anthony Ammendment
Gave woman the right to vote