Unit 1 Lecture 2 Flashcards
What was the victorian era?
Was emphasize for domesticity & seperate spheres (Was also named after Queen Victoria)
Theodore Roosevelt veiw on masculinty & sports?
He believe pro athletes couldnt make good citizens and that the ameratur athlete was a good citizen & that amertur sports built character & etc
What were some arguements for alcohol?
Diverse ethicity based beliefs, saloon culture became a meeting place for people, etc
In seperate sphere men were found where?
In public spheres like holding jobs, running for leaderships, etc)
Prohibtion Party & Anti -Soloon League
Seeked to create a nation wide ban on alcohol
Morrill Land grant College Act
Began to see more of public colleges (like penn state, ohio states, etc)
_________ brought various reglions
Immigration (Like catholics, jews, gosphel, etc)
Municipal Housekeeping (Public maternalism)
Taking the idea that woman should care for their family them applying it to the world (Everyone treted equal & cleaning cities, etc )
Jack London
Naturalist writer (Man Vs Nature)
In seperate spheres woman were found where?
In private spheres like taking care of their home & raising kids)
William Graham Sumner
Reinforced the idea that white people were the fittest & wrote “The forgotten man” which talked about class structure
_______ began to become a pathway for a better life for women so they dont have to just be housewives or depend on their husbands
Henry Ward beecher
Believed education & religion can coexist
Woman Suffrage Movement
Woman Striving for the right to vote, the national woman suffrage assoication (NAWSA) was developed, & woman was rights to vote in various states on different levels
Woman Clubs
Taking domestic idea & applying it to the public (woman took care of the public & not just themselves)