Unit 2 Lecture 1 Flashcards
Shift from being concerned with domestic to taking a greater interest in the _______
World (Imperalism & the quest for empire)
The imposition of military, politcal, & economic control over another nation or people
The imposition of military, political, & economic control over adjacent territories (like taking over mexico)
Fredrick jackson turner’s “The significance of the frontier in american history” disscused what?
Talked about the history of the frontier in american development & claims its what america unique
As the country grew the U.S. had to decide to _______ or _____
Expand or not
The need for new economic markets & need for raw materials led to what?
Growth in indrustralism
Wlliam Seward
Secretary of state that had ideas for imperalism pursuits
Economic imperalism
Seeking out new materials beyound america shores & taking resources from other countries is an economic way colonizing other countries
American Exceptionalism
The belief that the U.S has a duty to bring civilization & democracy to the world
American exceptionalism has connection to _________
Connection to racial theories- the belief that some races are superior than others (They believe its ok to step in & tell “inferior” people how to live & take from them)
Admiral Alfred maker
belived that a strong navy with new battleships would be good for america (says we have politcal, economic, & military reasons to bulid a navy)
What are a few reasons Admiral Alfred maker has for imperalism?
- He thinks that a strong navy will improve the U.S. postion as world power
- He believes that theres a need to impact U.S. interest in comers & shipping & believes theres a need to protect U.S. shores
Who was involved in the spanish war at the beggining?
Cuba, U.S., Phillipines, & Spain
What was one of the reason why america should get involved in the spanish war?
U.S sugar companies in Cuba( economic/ business interest)
As U.S. joined the Spanish war what country did they take over/ colonize?
They took over Hawii, guam, & Puerto Rico & the phillipines at the end of the war
What were the reason for U.S. colonzing countries?
During that time period was a belief that the more colonizes you have the stronger the nation, U.S. also took over Hawii for business interest
What were the reasons why U.S. took over the phillipines?
Believed that weren’t fit to govern themselves
What were some reasons people belived for U.S. to expand?
It was U.S. duty to spread democracy & civilize the “savage” & also for economic, politcial, & military ressons
Who were some anti-imperalsim (people who was angainst imperalism) ?
Mark Twan, William James, Jane Adams, & Andrew Carnegie
Poeple who supported imperalism believed what about it?
That it patrotic for U.S. to expand & imperalize other nations & to be an anti-imperalism means your not patrotic
Anti-imperalism belived what about imperalism?
That U.S. is a democracy & has no place to tell other nations how to live (The automony of others should be proected)
Who led the phillipines to war with the U.S.?
Emilo Aguinaldo
William James says U.S. is _______ for controlling the phillipines
Even though U.S. controlled the phillipine they were a moderate state & werent given ______
U.S. citizenship
Jones Act
Gave phillipines their independence in 1946
What did Theodore Roosevelt belive about imperalism?
Believed that imperalism interest will make the country strong both in the country & around the world & believed that a strong federal gov. at home when applied worldwide stablizes U.S. economy & politcal system
What were Theodore Roosevelt veiw on U.S. position worlwide?
That U.S. should have influence over the western hemphiere & U.S. should be a country that moderate international disputes
Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy (They fought to control the bulkanes)
Triple entente
Britain, Frances, & Russia
During the time of Europe at war, the U.S. was not involved & was neutral becuase U.S. ___________ & __________
U.S businesses were profiting & became a creditable nation
What were some reasons why U.S. was netrual during the war of europe?
Because the nation was divided upon loyality on which side to favor (U.S. was a nation of immigrants)
German americans supporting the central power & british americans supporting the allies
What Eugene V Debs view on war?
War is a result of capitalist greed quest for empire
William Loffellte
Progressive wiscousin congressman who strongly opposed U.S envolvement in the war & said that war is motivated by profit & imperalist motives are at play & war is not the actions of a democractic society
Women’s peace party & america union were against ___________
How did labor radicals like IWW view war?
View the war as a rich men sending poor people out to war just for money
War prepardeness movement was started by ________
Conservative businessman
What was wilson campaign for the election of 1916 ?
“He kept U.S. out of war” but wilson prepares U.S. for war just in case
What was wilson reason to going to war against germany?
War would be safe for democracy
Selective Service Act of 1917
Was the draft & it demostrated the growing power of the government over average citiznens & promoted the growth of a bureaucratic state (gov. getting more involved in people lives)
_________ & ______ parternshiped form as U.S. government leaned on _______ for war productions
Business & government parternship, businesses
War industries board was led by _________ & they expaneded the government economic power & allocated sacrce resources like metals
Benard Baruch
National war labor board (NWLB)
Made rules for better life for labors ( like an 8hr work day)
Wartime opporunties
Demand for labor increased so people looked down south & other rual places for laborers which became an opportunity for immigrants, african americans, & women
Women began to work in ___________
Traditonal man jobs like railroads, factories, etc
________ fundamently transformed the relationship between business & governement where buisness became more active in setting government policies
The war