Unit 2 - Cognition Part 1 Flashcards
A problem solving strategy based on a specific set of instructions.
Analytical Intelligence
Aligned with academic problem solving and computations.
Anchoring Bias
The bias in which an individual fixates on a certain aspect of a problem in an attempt to find a solution.
Artificial Concept
Concept defined by a very specific set of characteristics.
Availability Heuristic
When a decision is made using only information that is readily available.
Thinking, including perception, learning, problem solving, judgement, and memory.
Cognitive Psychology
Field of psychology dedicated to studying how people think.
Cognitive Script (Event Schema)
Set of behaviors that are performed the same every time.
Category of information.
Confirmation Bias
The excessive focus on information that confirms beliefs.
Convergent Thinking
Providing correct/accepted answers to problems.
Creative Intelligence
Ability to produce original ideas/solutions.
Crystallized Intelligence
Acquired knowledge and the ability to retrieve it.
Cultural Intelligence
Ability to understand those of different cultures.
Divergent Thinking
Ability to “think outside the box” and develop novel solutions.
Difficulty in understanding math.
Extreme difficulty in writing legibly.
Emotional Intelligence
Ability to understand emotions/motivations of oneself and others.
Fluid Intelligence
Ability to see complex relationships and solve problems.
Flynn Effect
The observation that each generation has higher IQ than the last.
Functional Fixedness
Inability to see an object for any other use than its intended.
A mental shortcut when solving problems.
Hindsight Bias
Belief that an event was predictable based on knowing the events already.
Intelligence Quotient
A score on a test that measures intelligence.
Words of a given language.
Mental Set
Continuously using the same solution to a problem despite there being no results.
Smallest unit of language that can still contain meaning.
Multiple Intelligences Theory
Gardner’s theory that everyone possesses 8+ types of intelligence.
Natural Concepts
Mental groupings that are created naturally based on experiences.
Administering a test to a large population so data can be collected to reference the normal scores for a population and its groups
Extension of a rule to where it does not apply, specifically in language development.
Basic sound unit in a language.
Practical Intelligence
Street smarts.
Best representation of a concept.
Range of Reaction
Each person has unique responses based on genetic make up.
Representative Bias
Stereotyping someone/something without good reason.
Representative Sample
Subset of population that accurately reflects the population.
Role Schema
Set of expectations that define the behaviors of a person occupying a particular role.
Schema (Pl. Schemata)
Mental construct that ties related subjects together.
Process of deriving meaning from morphemes and words.
Standard Deviation
Measure of variability that describes the difference between a set of scores and their mean.
Method of testing in which everything about the test is consistent between test takers.
The way words are organized into sentences.
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Sternberg’s theory of intelligence; three facets of intelligence: practical, creative, and analytical
Acoustic Encoding
Inputs of words, sounds, and music.
Anterograde Amnesia
Loss of memory for events that occur after brain trauma.
Arousal Theory
Strong emotions trigger from strong memories and vice versa.
Atkinson-Shiffrin Model
Memory model that states we process information through three systems: sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory
Automatic Processing
Encoding of informational details such as time, frequency, etc.
Blocking (Memory)
Memory error in which stored information cannot be retrieved.
Organizing information into more manageable chunks.
Formation of new memories.
Declarative Memory
Long-term memory of facts and events personally experienced.
Effortful Processing
Encoding of information that takes effort and attention.
Elaborative Rehearsal
Thinking about the meaning of new information and how it relates to already existing information.
Input of information into the memory system.
Physical trace of memory.
Episodic Memory (Autobiographical Memory)
Type of declarative memory that focuses on personal experience.
Equipotentiality Hypothesis
Some parts of the brain can take over for damaged parts in forming and storing memories.
Explicit Memory
Memories that are consciously recalled.
False Memory Syndrome
Recall of false autobiographical memories.
Flashbulb Memory
Exceptionally clear memory of a certain event.
Implicit Memory
Memories not part of the consciousness.
Levels of Processing
Information that is thought of deeply is more meaningful and thus remembered better.
Memory-enhancing Strategy
Technique that helps short term memory turn to long term memory.
Confusing source of information.
Misinformation Effect Paradigm
After exposure to inaccurate information about an event, an individual may misremember the actual event.
Mnemonic Device
Memory aids that help with memory.
Failure of the memory system that involves the involuntary recall of unwanted memories, particularly unpleasant ones.
Proactive Interference
Old information hinders the recall of new information.
Procedural Memory
Long-term memory of skilled actions, such as how to ski, how to brush teeth, etc.
Accessing information without the need for cues.
Identifying previously learned information on a different encounter, typically with the help of a cue.
Process of amending old memories that have been changed by new information.
Repetition of information to be remembered.
Learning information that was previously learned.
Act of getting information out of long-term memory storage back to the conscious awareness.
Retroactive Interference
New memories interfere with old ones.
Retrograde Amnesia
Forgetting events that happened before brain trauma.
Self-reference Effect
Tendency to remember more personal events better.
Semantic Encoding
Input of words and their meaning.
Semantic Memory
Type of declarative memory about words, concepts, and language-based knowledge and facts
Sensory Memory
Storage of brief sensory events, such as touch.
Creation of a permanent record of information.
Effects of misinformation that results in false memories.
Memory error in which unused memories fade with the passage of time.
Visual Encoding
Input of images.