Unit 16 Flashcards
Cosmology- Cutting a covenant- Iconography- Divine ascent- Throne of God- Abrahamic covenant-
Cosmology- Study of the order of the universe
Cutting a covenant- refers to the cutting of animals in the covenant oath ceremony
Iconography- the stones on the temple
Divine ascent- the plan of salvation idea represented in the temple that we make our way back from the fall and into God’s presence
Throne of God- the highest and central star, next to Kolob
Abrahamic covenant- it’s called this in the same sense that the High priesthood is called after Melchizedek
- What iconography (that we discussed in our lecture) occurs on the exterior of some modern LDS Temples that directs us to look to God? Why?
- Sun stones and moon stones on the Kirtland and SL temples
- The big dipper which reminds us that the covenants of the temple point us to God like the north star-
- The upside down stars on the Kirtland temple remind us of Christ and his 5 wounds at the crucifixion
- Sun stones represent revelation
- Direct your vision up towards God
- What does Kolob represent? What is the suggested meaning of the word Kolob? What is the hierarchy of heavenly bodies from us to the throne of God described in Moses’ vision in Abraham chapter 3 (see slide # 20)? What does the Lord compare these heavenly bodies to? What are we to understand from this comparison?
- Kolob represents Christ
- Kolob = the heart or center
- In the center is the Throne of God, next to it is the son of God (Kolob), outside of that is Kokobeam (us, all the rest)
- We are to understand that we are governed by God the Father and the Son and that we get our light from them
- What is the difference between our time and the Lord’s time? How does this affect our perspective of time?
- The Lord’s time is much slower. 1 day (God’s time) = 1,000 years (man’s time)
Our perspective is that things happen much slower
- Why did the Lord teach Abraham about astronomy?
- There is one planet that governs another, then one greater than that, then one greater than that, on and on
- What inherent meaning is in the name “Old Testament” or “New Testament”?
- New covenant and old covenant
- You should be able to list each of the seven dispensations, the dispensation head, and what type of covenant was given to each of them (see slide #35).
- Adam: Gospel Covenant
- Enoch: Gospel Covenant
- Noah: Gospel Covenant
- Abraham: Abrahamic / Gospel Covenant
- Moses: Mosaic Covenant (lower law)
- Jesus Christ: The New Covenant
- Joseph Smith: New and Everlasting Covenant
- Be able to list and understand each of the three promises in the Abrahamic Covenant, what signs are attached to each promise, and what the token of the covenant is.
- Posterity - Signs: stars, name change; token: circumcision
- Land - Sign: Covenant oath ritual; token: circumcision
- Priesthood - sign: Ordinances; token: circumcision
- Who are the “seed of Abraham”?
All those that receive the gospel
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus
- What does “New and Everlasting Covenant” mean?
- New = new dispensation (distinction from other dispensations)
- Everlasting = it will never again be taken from the earth
What was the purpose of Moses, Elias, and Elijah’s appearance to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and where and when did this happen? What keys were restored—are they in operation today?
- It happened at the Kirtland temple
- They appeared to restore priesthood keys
Moses: missionary work throughout the earth
Elias: Restoration of the new and everlasting covenant
Elijah: the power to seal families together through temple and family history work - Appeared April 3, 1836, they are in operation today
- They appeared to restore priesthood keys
- Review the concept of the “Birthright”. How did it function anciently? Does the “birthright” have a function today?
- The eldest son was given a double portion to be able to provide for the widowed mother and children. It could be also given to another son as the father saw fit
- The birthright is passed on to us today through the lineage of Ephraim, it includes the responsibility to gather Israel and bear glad tidings
- Do we enjoy the three promises given to Abraham today as part of the Covenant? What is the eternal significance of these three promises?
- Promised land = Stakes of Zion
- Posterity = seed promised in Temple sealing
- Priesthood = follows baptism and righteousness
- They will have efficacy in the eternities
- What does it mean to be a “friend of God”?
Through his covenant, we can also become friends of God
- McConkie presents “Kolob” as a symbolic representation of Christ—review numbers 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 in his list of Kolob’s characteristics and the matching descriptions of Christ in the second list for those number.
3 - Kolob was the first creation = Christ was the firstborn
4 - Kolob is nearest to God = Christ is in the bosom of the father
5 - Kolob is first in government = the government shall rest upon His shoulder
7 - There are mang “great ones” near Kolob = the noble and great ones
8 - Kolob gives light to all the others = Christ is the light in all things
- In the list describing the stars review number 5, and in the list describing the spirits review numbers 1, 2, and 5
Stars - 5. Whenever there is a star with one above it, there shall be another “greater still”
Spirits 1. Abraham was among the noble and great ones
2. Of the noble and great ones God will make His rulers
5. Where there are two spirits one more intelligent than the other, there shall be another more intelligent than they
- Who are the “morning stars” described by Job? (p. 87 paragraph 1)
- The pre-mortal spirits learning of the Plan of salvation, including Satan and the hosts of heaven
- From the sections entitled “What Joseph Smith Learned from Abraham 3” and “Identifying and Applying the Principle” can you describe what is meant by this phrase “there is an endless chain of exalted beings, and eternal family of Gods”?
- God the father had a father, and so on and so on. There is no end to spirit. There is no end to space.