Lecture 4 Flashcards
D&C 84:6
And the sons of Moses, according to the Holy Priesthood which he received under the hand of his father-in-law Jethro
This shows where Jesus got the Priesthood from. We don’t know why, but there was a group in Midian that hat the priesthood (such as Jethro) and gave it to Moses when he lived among them
Hebrew word that can mean both service and worship. They left the service of the Pharaoh to worship God in the wilderness, in both places: Avodah
Land of Midian
The land that Moses lived in when he banished himself from Egypt. He married there, became a herder there, and received the Priesthood there
Hebrew for “Here am I”, meaning I am here for you and commit myself to you
mediator, intercessor, friend
terms that can apply both to Jesus Christ and to Moses
Jehovah is the name of God in the Old Testament (Jesus Christ). It is the English adaptation of YHWH coined by William Tyndale
Five things that prophets often have in common
- They are foreordained
- They express a reluctance to accept their role
- They are called from everyday activity
- They are given a divine mission or assignment
- They receive a blessing / strengthening from the Lord
peculiar treasure
Those that are righteous and have the Priesthood will be so precious to the Lord that the Lord will consider them to be His precious possession or jewels
Hebrew for a precious possession or jewel
mediator, intercessor, friend
Terms that can apply both to Jesus Christ and to Moses
Mediator- Moses went up on the mount in behalf of Israel
Intercessor- Moses asked the Lord to forgive Israel and not destroy them
Friend- Moses speaks face to face with God, “as a man speaks unto his friend” Exodus 33:11
- What type of civilization did Moses grow up in? Why were the Israelites living in Egypt? How was Moses prepared during his first 40 years? Did he understand his heritage?
Cradle of civilization, monumental building, a place of pride, wealth and power
Because Joseph had brought his family there to save them from the famine
He was prepared mentally, he received a good education, good health, good food
He understood he was an Israelite
How was Moses prepared for his mission during his 40 years in the land of Midian?
He was prepared spiritually, he married and received the priesthood, called as prophet to deliver Israel
- Review Moses’ call at the burning bush in Exodus 3: How does Moses respond to God? Notice how God responds to the “cry of the people” and how he will deliver them (vs 7-10).
“Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.”
God says the He, i.e. “I” will deliver them.
Moses responds with reluctance
- What are Moses’ objections /fears concerning this calling? What signs does God give him to strengthen him?
Who am I? (I am slow of speech)
What is God’s name? (who shall I tell the Israelites called be)
They will not believe me
I am not eloquent
Send someone else
Signs: rod, serpent, leprous hand, water to blood
Who is Moses talking to at the burning bush?
Jesus Christ (Jehovah)
- Know the 5 points of the Call of a Prophet and how Moses fits this pattern. (slide #22) Are there other prophets who fit this pattern?
- They are foreordained- Moses was among the noble and great ones
- They express a reluctance to accept their role- he didn’t think the Israelites would believe him, didn’t believe he was eloquent
- They are called from everyday activity- Moses was a simple sheep herder for 40 years
- They are given a divine mission or assignment- to deliver Israel
- They receive a blessing / strengthening from the Lord- sent Aaron, given signs to strengthen faith
Enoch, Jeremiah, Peter, Amos, Joseph Smith
What is the role of a prophet?
Prophet = forth-teller, foreteller, mediator between God and man
Future= Prophesies of the future Repent= calls the people to repentance Christ= Special witness to Christ
- How does the LORDanswer Pharaoh’s question “Who is the LORD?” (slide #26), and how does the LORDdemonstrate?
He is Jehovah, who appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
He has covenanted with Israel
He has heard the groanings of Israel
I am the Lord YOUR God
He will bring them to the promised land
With the 10 plagues
- What does the deliverance from the Egypt and crossing the Red Sea represent in the Old Testament?
Redemption and deliverance. Christ had not come yet, so they needed a sign to be able to look to
- How does Moses fulfill each of these roles?: Prophet, Seer, Miracle worker; Deliverer, Lawgiver, Covenant maker, Mediator, Intercessor, Friend of God.
Prophet- foreordained, testifies of Christ, calls Israel to repentance, given a divine call
Seer- He saw the panoramic vision of the earth
Deliverer- crossing of the Red Sea
Lawgiver- Receiver of the Law of Moses
Mediator- Why doth thy wrath wax hot against the people?
Intercessor- Wilt thou forgive their sin? If not, blot me out from thy book
Friend of God- spoke with God face to face
- How is Moses a type of Christ both in terms of life events and his mission?
- Miraculous deliverance as an infant
- 40 year prep for ministry in the desert
- Called to be a prophet/mediator between God and man
Review Deut 18:18. Who is this verse referring to?
Its talking about the Messiah (Christ) and says he will be like unto Moses