Lecture 2 Flashcards
1 Nephi 13:39-40
And after it had come forth unto them I beheld other books, which came forth by the power of the Lamb, from the Gentiles unto them, unto the convincing of the Gentiles and the remnant of the seed of my brethren, and also the Jews who were scattered upon all the face of the earth, that the records of the prophets and of the twelve apostles of the Lamb are true.
40 And the angel spake unto me, saying: These last records, which thou hast seen among the Gentiles, shall establish the truth of the first, which are of the twelve apostles of the Lamb, and shall make known the plain and precious things which have been taken away from them; and shall make known to all kindreds, tongues, and people, that the Lamb of God is the Son of the Eternal Father, and the Savior of the world; and that all men must come unto him, or they cannot be saved.
The coming forth of the Pearl of Great Price is prophesied in this passage
Franklin D. Richards
Original editor and publisher of the Pearl of Great Price. He gave the pamphlet its name. He was serving at the time as president of the British Isles Mission and wanted to make certain writings of Joseph Smith available to the members there
Orson Pratt
Prepared and published 1878 version of the PofGP
James E. Talmage
Prepared and published 1902 and 1921 version of the PofGP
canon; canonized;
Canon- a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine
Canonized- The stated of being within the accepted canon
Dates of editions of the PofGP
1851- PofGP published in England
1878- First published in US by O. Pratt
1880- Canonized by whole church as scripture
1902- James Talmage adds chapters and verses, D&C sections and the poem “Truth” removed
1921- Talmage adds double-column pages, chapter headings, index and revised footnotes
1976- Visions of Dead added and canonized
1981- Visions of Dead removed, New Preface, renaming of books, minor correction of dates
2013- Introduction has three changes to wording
- What are the other books that will come forth in the last days that will establish the truth of the first? (See 1 Nephi 13:39-40). What are the “plain and precious” things that have been taken away?
PofGP, Book of Mormon
1. The nature of God 2. The nature of man 3. The reality of Satan 4. The nature of the cosmos 5. The preparation of prophets The eternal mission of Jesus Christ
- Wherewere parts of what became the PofGP first published?
In newspaper periodicals such as the Morning and the Evening Star
When and where wasthe first PofGPpublished?Why?What was included?
First published in the British Mission to make choice revelations of Joseph Smith available to the members there, almost like a priesthood handbook.
Selections from the Book of Moses, excerpts from the D&C, all of the Book of Abraham, JS-Matt, JS-History, a poem called “Oh Say What is Truth?”, and articles of faith
- What is contained in the PofGP today? (Check table of contents)
Selections from the Book of Moses, the Book of Abraham, JS-Matt, JS-History, Articles of Faith
- What was significant about the additions to the PofGP in 1976? What were they? What happened at General Conference that year?
Two visions were added: the vision of the celestial kingdom and the vision of the redemption of the dead.
They were visions received by the prophets, one current and one older
Both were canonized by the raising of the hand
What was the purpose of the Scripture Publications Committee in 1981?
In 1981 you should be aware of the fact that the Lectures on Faith, two new Articles of Faith, the Wentworth Letter, and additional selections from the JST were not added.
They wanted to create a version of PofGP with footnotes that connected it with the rest of the canon, as they had done with the Bible
- You should be able to recognize the change made in 2013 in the description of the Book of Abraham.
Changes made in description:
1) Items were translated and produced by Joseph Smith, most published in periodicals
2) JS - History prepared by him and his scribes
3) inspired translation of the Book of Abraham began after receiving some egyptian papyri
- You should be able to list the seven dispensations and how they are represented in the PofGP. What are the six qualifications listed for heads of dispensations?
Book of Moses:
- Adam
- Moses
- Enoch
- Noah
Book of Abraham:
5. Abraham
6. Jesus Christ
7. Joseph Smith
Foreordination, Divine call and Priesthood, panoramic vision, keys, entrance into God’s presence, ministering of angels
What are some of the unique doctrines taught in the PofGP?
Articles of Faith First Vision Multiple beings in Godhead Gospel taught in beginning Ordinances from beginning Fortunate Fall Zion - City of Enoch Multiple Worlds
What are 5 of the “clearest statements” concerning doctrine found in the PofGP listed by Jackson
- God’s work and purpose of life on earth
- Pre-earth life
- Origin and character of Satan
- The creation
- Narration of Adam and Eve
- Where did the JST Genesis (the selections from the Book of Moses) come from for the 1878 PofGP?
From the JST, found in the “Inspired Version of the Bible”
What does Jackson suggest the central theme of the Pearl of Great Price is?
the Gospel of Jesus Christ is universal
Millet, “A Small Book That Spans Eternity”
Review and be familiar with the six unique contributions of the Pof GP Millet discusses.
- The nature of God
- The nature of man
- The reality of Satan
- The nature of the cosmos
- The preparation of prophets
- The eternal mission of Jesus Christ