Unit 11 - States of Consciousness Flashcards
continuum of consciousness
controlled processes automatic processes daydreaming altered states sleep and dreaming unconscious / implicit memory unconsciousness
where your attention is / what you’re focused on
if not interesting then attention span 10-20 min
lantern effect
kids suck in all information around them but they aren’t really focused
gives brain mental rest; everyone daydreams about the future (mental rehearsal)
altered states of consciousness
occurs when there’s a shift in the quality or pattern of one’s mental activity
caused by: alcohol, drugs, insomnia, stress, meditation, hypnosis
circadian rythms
hunger, body temperature, digestion, sleep (25 hour cycle)
25 hour cycle guided by environment (light and temperature) and biology (genetics)
2 types of sleep
80% of the time
heart rate, breathing, bp slowing down
REM: 20% of the time heart rate, breathing, bp speeding up dreaming sleep paralysis
stage 1 of sleep
transition from wakefulness to sleep
1-7 min
theta waves (low amp + low frequency)
somewhat aware of surroundings
stage 2 of sleep
beginning of sleep
body begins to slow down
more difficult to wake
beginning of sleep spindles
stage 3 of sleep
delta waves
body continues to slow down
stage 4 of sleep
deep sleep
secretion of growth hormone that helps brain development
difficult to wake
REM sleep
muscles paralyzed
heightened brain activity and breathing
lack of sleep and/or inability to stay asleep
sleep apnea
stop breathing while sleeping and wake up constantly or don’t wake up; CPAP machine pushes O2 into lungs
correlation with obesity and high bp
sleep walking
talking during sleep
everyone has them and can usually remember them
night terrors
children don’t remember them and scream their heads off and don’t know why they’re scared; most grow out of it
extreme excitement leads to sudden attacks of REM sleep
your awareness of everything that is going on around you and inside your own head at any given moment, which you use to organize your behavior
waking consciousness
one’s thoughts, feelings, and sensations are clear and organized, and one feels alert
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
internal clock that tells people when to wake up and when to fall asleep
brief sidesteps into sleep lasting only seconds
adaptive theory of sleep
animals and humans evolved different sleep patterns to avoid being present during the predators’ normal hunting times (night)
restorative theory of sleep
sleep is necessary to the physical health of the body
REM rebound
if deprived of REM sleep a person will experience greatly increased amounts of REM sleep the next night
REM behavior disorder
the brain mechanisms that normally inhibit the voluntary muscles fail, allowing the person to thrash around and even get up and act out nightmares
manifest content (Freud)
the actual dream itself
latent content (Freud)
true meaning of dream is hidden and only expressed in symbols
activation-synthesis hypothesis
a dream is merely another kind of thinking that occurs when people sleep; it’s less realistic because it comes not from the outside world of reality but from within people’s memories and experiences of the past
activation-information-mode model (AIM)
when the brain is “making up” a dream to explain its own activation, it uses meaningful bits and pieces of the person’s experiences from the previous day or the last few days rather than just random items from memory
a procedure in which a researcher, clinician, or hypnotist suggests that a person will experience changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, or behaviors
hypnotic susceptibility
the degree to which a person is a good hypnotic subject; the more suggestion in the ordered list the person responds to, the more susceptible the person is
basic suggestion effect
the tendency to act as though one’s behavior is automatic and out of their control
dissociation theory of hypnosis
Ernest Hilgard believed that there’s a hidden part of the mind that is very much aware of the hypnotic subject’s activities and sensations, even though the “hypnotized” part of the mind is blissfully unaware of these same things
social-cognitive theory of hypnosis
assumes that people who are hypnotized are not in an altered state but are merely playing the role expected of them in the situation
psychoactive drugs
chemical substances that alter thinking, perception, memory, or some combination of those abilities
physical dependence
after using the drug for some period of time, the body becomes unable to function normally without the drug and the person is said to be dependent or addicted
drug tolerance
as the person continues to use the drug, larger and larger doses of the drug are needed to achieve the same initial effects of the drug
psychological dependence
the belief that the drug is needed to continue a feeling of emotional or psychological wellbeing, which is a very powerful factor in continued drug use
drugs that increase the functioning of the nervous system
drugs that decrease the functioning of the nervous system
drugs that alter perceptions and may cause hallucinations
stimulants that are synthesized in laboratories
natural drug found in coca plant leaves; produces feelings of euphoria, deadens pain, suppresses appetite
toxic stimulant that produces a slight sense of arousal as it raises bp and accelerates the heart; provides rush of sugar into bloodstream by stimulating release of adrenalin in addition to raising dopamine levels in brain’s reward pathway
drug abuse
misusing a drug
testing for addiction acronym
Cut back
Eye opener
hit at least one to be an addict
posthypnotic suggestion
cue that causes one to do something
posthypnotic amnesia
not having a memory of what one did under hypnosis
imagined perception
changing your perception of the world around you; how you feel (e.g. temperature)
age regression
act like how one THINKS a child would act
hypnotic analgesia
get rid of pain