Unit 11 - Personal Health, Consumer Choices (TH 2) Flashcards
A chemical that helps prevent tooth decay
A thin, sticky film that builds up on teeth and leads to tooth decay
Hardened plaque that hurts gum health
Tiny openings in the skin that allow perspiration to escape
The skin’s inner layer
The outermost layer of skin
Hair Follicles
Small sacs in the dermis from which hair grows
Ultraviolet (UV) Rays
An invisible form of radiation that can enter skin cells and change their structure
The substance that gives skin its color
A skin condition caused by active oil glands that clog hair follicles
A condition that results when too many dead skin cells flake off the outer layer of the scalp
A health care professional who is trained to examine the eyes for vision problems and to prescribe corrective lenses
A physician who specializes in the structure, functions, and diseases of the eye
An eye condition in which the lens becomes cloudy as a person ages
An eye condition in which fluid pressure builds up inside the eye
An eye condition in which images appear wavy or blurry
A constant ringing in the ears
A condition in which someone has difficulty hearing sounds or has complete hearing loss
The unit for measuring the loudness of sound
A person who buys products and services
A message designed to influence consumers to buy a product or service
Calculated effort to trick or fool others
Statement of approval
Long television commercials whose main purpose seems to be to present information rather than to sell a product
Comparison Shopping
Collecting information, comparing products, evaluating their benefits, and choosing products with the best value
Generic Products
Products sold in plain packages at lower prices than brand-name products
A company’s or a store’s written agreement to repair a product or refund your money if the product does not function properly
A drug that prevents or cures an illness or eases its symptoms
Prescription Medicine
Medicine that can be obtained legally only with a doctor’s written permission
A person trained to prepare and distribute medicine
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medicine
Medicine that you can buy without a doctor’s permission
Side Effect
A reaction to a medicine other than the one intended
Primary Care Provider
A health care professional who provides checkups and general care
A health care professional who is trained to treat a specific category of patients or specific health problems
Health Insurance
A plan in which a person pays a set fee to an insurance company in return for the company’s agreement to pay some or all medical expenses when needed
Managed Care Plans
Health insurance plans that emphasize preventative medicine and work to control the cost and maintain the quality of health care
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
A health insurance plan the contracts with selected physicians and specialists to provide medical services
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
A health insurance plan that allows its members to select a physician who participates in the plan for a reduced cost or to visit the physician of their choice
Point-of-Service (POS) Plan
A health insurance plan that combines the features of HMOs and PPOs