Unit 1- The story of psychology Flashcards
original definition
study of the mind/ soul
second definition
science of mental life
third definition
scientific study of behavior
current definition
science that studies behavior and mental processes of organisms
what type of degree does a psychiatrist need? psychologist?
M. D.
type of work for psychiatrist? psychology?
patients with psych disorders
many sub fields
what do psychiatrists deal with that psychologists don’t
william james
james cattell
john dewey
james r angell
john b watson
ivan pavlov
BF skinner
max wertheimer
wolfgang kohler
kurt koffka
sigmund freud
study how the mind worked as it did
operations and processes of the mind
psychology should only be concerned with observable, measurable behavior
AKA stimulus- response psychology
perception on interpreting sensations
treatment of abnormal behavior
unconscious motivator of behavior
emphasise use of mind, rather than its content
most important way of adapting to the environment is learning
must deal only with behaviors that are objectively measured
all behavior is a response to some stimulus in the environment
brain achieves a whole concept from small bits
organizing sensations into meaningful perceptions
completeness, meaningfulness, continuity as a whole
behavior governed by hidden motives and unconscious wishes
childhood experiences impact/ effect personality
what is 1 thing from this unit i can apply to my life
3 reasons psych is a science
objective (unbiased)
scientific method
geology astronomy biology chemistry physics
hard philosophy
anthropology sociology political science economics psychology
soft/ social/ behavioral philosophy
hard philosophy most connected to psych
what makes psych different than the other soft sciences
focuses only on the individual
developed very slowly over centuries
psychology began as a science
first psych lab was created
set up first lab
must study mind subjectively and scientifically
wilhelm wundt
set up first psych research lab in US
g stanley hall
when was john hopkins set up by g stanley
first APA president
G stanley hall
first school
edward bradford titchner
contents or structures of the mind
where titchner set up structuralism
cornell university
3 mental elements of structuralism
2 criticisms of structuralism
failed to relate concept of mind to human action
introspection (not everyone could do it )
main reason (80%) for people being fired
they do not work well with others
reason def 2 changed
to emphasise that psych was a science
reason def 3 changed
mind was too vague to be studied objectively
reason for changing to current def
technology was created to see the brain in action
renewed interest in the mind
which is the largest single sub field
largest employer of psychologists
colleges and universities
which is the dominant school of psychology today, the universally accepted, unifying theory
descended from behaviorism
focus on how we learn observable responses
followers of BF skinner and albert bandura
behavioral approach
descendants of freuds psychoanalysis but placed more emphasis on social relationships than on biological drives of sec and aggression
focus on how behavior springs from unconscious drives and conflicts
carl jung, alfred adler, anna freud, karen horney, erich fromm, harry stack sullivan, erik erickson
psychodynamic approach
“third force” in psych; started in 1950s-60s
focus on how we meet our needs for love and acceptance and achieve self fulfillment
emphasized the “whole” person, free will, and self actualization
abraham maslow, carl rogers
humanistic approach
blend of gestalt and behaviorism
focus on how people encode, process, store, and retrieve info
stress active told of mind in organizing perceptions, processing info, and interpreting experiences
jean piaget
cognitive approach
stresses role of psychological factors in behavior and mental processes
focus on how the body and brain enable emotions, memories, and sensory experiences; how genes combine with environment to influence individual differences
popularity partly due to development of sophisticated research equipment that allows us to see the brain in action
biological (bio psychological) approach
developed over last 3 decades to counter ethno-centrism
focus on how behavior and thinking Vary across situations and cultures
social cultural approach
focus on how natural selection of traits has promited the survival of genes